Chapter 1

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So I happen to be a band geek, but I'm also really close friends with a basketball player. We've been friends since before time. We both were in band in junior high. He played the Bari saxophone, I was as drummer. He quit to focus on basketball and I went onto band camp in the marching. Adam isn't like a typical jock, no matter what my friends think. It might be because we both made a promise two weeks before our freshman year to stay close and just grow closer. And we made it work. We also lived in the same house. Both of our families were struggling financially so between our parents it worked out okay.

"Hey Bryn, pep band coming to the game tonight?" Adam asked when he caught up to me.

"First off, we are a multi-sport band. Second, of course. Bender wants as many Friday home games to pump up the crowd."

"Sweet, just wanted to make sure my favorite band nerd was coming, since my parents are finally going on a date."

"It's band geek to you. I'd probably end up going even if we weren't. I think both my parents are working night shift. They say I need to get out more and be less antisocial."

"It's true Bryn."


"Want me to join you to your locker before we head to lunch?"

"Why not? It's not like I could talk to you any way."

"Your drummer friends scare me." He smiled sheepishly.

"Your cheerleader friends hate me. And my drummer friends don't care about you."

"These social groups suck." He said as he held the door to the band room so we could stop at my locker.

"I couldn't agree more. Oh, hey...won't your boys get mad at you for stepping into geek territory?"

"Nah, they'll be fine. I won't let this stereotyping break us apart."

"Good, because I care about you a lot Adam, you've turning into my brother. I couldn't imagine life without you." I said as I grabbed my U.S. history text book and returned my AP music history book.

"Same here, and coach loves you. You have him for astronomy right? Mr. Anderson?"

"Really? I though he hated me since I'm in band."

"No way, he doesn't care about crap like that."

"That's one teacher." I shut my locker and lock it. "We'd better get to lunch before Bender gets mad at us for loitering."

"You mean get mad at me...for being here."

"No, us. Even though I happen to be his star student, he treats everyone equal."

"Star student, sure." He winks at me.

"I'm kidding of course; you know Cody is easily ten times better than I could every dream of being."

"Nah, you have personality and from what I've heard, you're a shew in for center snare next a junior none the less. Congrats."

"It hasn't even happened yet Adam, and probably won't."

"Hey, Debbie downer, I have faith in you." He smiles as he opened the lunch room door for me.

"Thanks, looks like we're going to have to fake hate each other now." I say pointing at his jock table.

"I'll never pretend to hate you Bryn." He pulled me into a hug. It was the protective older brother rule he filled, even though he wasn't that much older than me.

"Thanks Adam, but you really should get with your Neanderthals. You'll drive me home?"

"That's how our Fridays work, with a piece of banana cream pie from Peggie."

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