Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
"Good morning! You're probably wondering who this guy next to me is. His parents moved here so he's your new classmate now. Do you want to introduce yourself, Justin?" Mr Brown asked nicely while looking to Justin.

"Sure" he said. "My name is Justin and I'm 18. My dad found a new job here so we had to move."

His voice was so beautiful. I was really impressend by him. Without noticing I had a really big smile on my face. I can't describe the feeling I felt when I first saw him entering the room. It's something I've never felt before and it's like there aren't words that could ever describe it.
I've never felt something like this.

Was this what people call 'love at first sight'?
I never believed in love at first sight actually and for sure I couldn't believe it would ever happen to me.

There's a seat next to me where noone was sitting and I hope he'll take that seat.

But for sure Mr Brown has to do his weird "maths quiz" he does with all his new students before.
I remember when I had to do this maths quiz and it was horrible. I only knew the answers to 2 questions out of 10!
Well it's not that I'm really bad in maths it's just that I'm always really nervous infront of bigger crowds and because of the nervousness I could't focus on the exercices.

But surprisingly Justin knew all answers.

I noticed him coming towards me.
"Can I take this seat?" He asked pointing to the seat next to me.
"Sure." I said smiling.

Mr Brown continued with his lesson.

"So..." Justin started "what's your name?"
"My name is Chloe" I said really shyly.
"Chloe.. That's a beautiful name and it suits a beautiful girl like you." He said.
"Thank you. You look really good too" I said smiling.

We talked during the whole maths lesson and didn't focused on what Mr Brown was saying.
There were only a few minutes of the lesson left. So we all started to pack our stuff so we can go to lunch faster.
Finally the bell rang. Since Justin was new and didn't know anyone than me and the other persons in our maths class yet I decided to ask him if he wanted to go to lunch with me, Emma, Cam and Matt.

"Sure. That would be cool." He answered.
We went to the table where us 4 always eat. Surprisingly they weren't there yet. Normally I'm always the one who is late.

So I took the time to tell Justin more about Emma, Cam and Matt.
"It sounds like they all are really nice people. I'm excited to meet them." Justin said. "Actually I've known someone called Cam before... But I don't think you're talking about him."
"You do? That's cool! Maybe it's even the same Cam we're talking about. That'd be kinda cool. I'm sure you'll get along well with all of my friends." I said

Right after I said that Cam, Emma and Matt came.

"Justin?!" Cam asked surprisingly.
"Yes we talked about the same Cam" I said to Justin and laughed.
"Long time no see. What are you doing here?" Cam asked Justin.
"My dad found a new job here so we moved to this city and I'm coming to this school now." Justin explained.
"That's great. We're going to have a lot of good times here I can already tell." Cam said happily.

It made me happy to see them getting along well with each other. We sat down and started eating. We talked a lot and Cam and Justin told us how they became friends.
They told us they went on holidays with their families and because Justin brought his PlayStation 4 with him he invited Cam so they both could play FIFA against each other.

"And guess who won?" Justin asked proudly.
"You?" I said.
"Yes. How'd you know?" Justin asked.
"It's obvious if you ask like that." I said and laughed.

We had a great time together but unfortunately the bell rang and that means we have to go back to our classes again.
Me and Justin only have maths together on Mondays which made me kinda sad because I want to get to know him a lot better and I'm always so happy next to him.

I have geography, art and a few other subjects today.
But I couldn't focus during all my lessons because all I could think of was Justin.

*after all classes have finished*

Me and Emma have earlier school out than Cam, Matt and Justin so Emma drives me home.

"Emma! You're finally here I've waited 10minutes!" I said angrily.
"Sorry. We got our french exam back today and you know I worked my ass off to get at least a B but guess what I got?! A D!" She explained.
"Oh... But we all know your teacher is really unfair. Forget her... You only have her this school year as a teacher and than we won't see her again! But since I know you for so long I can already tell this leaded to a discussion between you and your teacher, right?" I asked.
"Right." She answered. "But it's her fault! If she gave me a better grade I wouldn't even start the discussion... But she told me she's sure I'll get a C by the end of the year... Like how is she sure that I'll get a C? It's like it doesn't matter what I'm writing because she's just giving those grades she wants and if she doesn't like you she's not giving you a good grade..." Emma told and she sounded really angry. But I understand it because I had a teacher like that too and I hated him more than anything because he wasn't fair when it comes to giving grades...

There was silence for a few minutes until Emma asked
"So... you and Justin" She smirked.
"Is there something I need to know?"
"No he's just a friend. I mean he's cute and I had this feeling I've never had before and -"
I tried to explain Emma how I felt when I first saw Justin but it was hard to describe it.
"Awww. That sounds like love at first sight to me" She said.
"You and Justin would be such a cute couple!"

"Aww you're so nice. But I don't even know if he likes me and we've only met today so I can't tell him that I like him. I mean I don't even know if he already has a girlfriend.." I said sadly.

"I'm sure he doesn't because if he had a girlfriend he would have told it to you. And I can tell by the way he looked at you that he likes you. Trust me I know things like that." Emma told me.

We talked the whole car drive and decided spontaneously to go shopping.

We bought a lot of cute things and spent a lot of time in the mall. We than went eating.
"What time is it?" Emma asked.
"It's 9pm. We should go home now Emma we have school tommorow." I said.
She agreed. We got up and she drove us home.

There was a big car infront of the house next to the house I lived in. It must be one of those you use to transport your furniture with when you're moving. The house was huge and really beautiful from outside. I never went inside the house but I'm sure it's as beautiful as outside or even more beautiful.

"You never told me you're going to have new neigboughrs?" Emma asked surprised.
"I didn't knew it either" I told her.
"Well, your mum sure knows more about it. You need to ask her and tell me everything tomorrow. Maybe it's Justin's family?! That would be so cool!"
"JUSTIN?" I said in a louder voice because the thought of him being my neighbour made me really happy. "That could be true that it's Justin's family. I hope it's true! I'll ask my mum and tell you everything tomorrow. See you tommorow!" I said.
"Bye!" Emma said.

I opened our door and went inside our house.
"Mum?" I shouted.
No answer. I looked at my clock again.
It was already 11pm! She was probably sleeping so
"I'll just ask her tomorrow." I told myself. I decided to sleep too so I won't be so tired tomorrow in school.
But first I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and removed all of my make up. Than I went to my room and put on my favourite pyjamas. They are black with white daisys on it.
I wanted to sleep but all I could think of was again Justin.

Does he like me? Will there be more than just friendship between us two? And is it possible that he's my new neighbour like Emma said?

I had a lot of thoughts before I finally fell asleep.

I wonder what tomorrow brings...

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