Chapter 11

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Lisa slept her days away, recovering. She had to rest for another two days for the bleeding to stop. She felt much better, and although her inner thighs were a little sore when she moved, it was bearable.

Lisa was the only person at leisure before the departure; everyone else around her was busily taking care of last minute necessities. Jisung was mainly focused on checking the food rations and emergency medicine for their travel, as well as the necessary commodities for Her Grace's comfort.

14 employees worked together to plan out a detailed itinerary of their trip to the North. Lisa and her two maids, Jisung, Sora, the three mute siblings, five servants, and four knights were going to be traveling together. While Lisa was enjoying her last tea time in the receiving room, Jisung decided to introduce her to the four knights who would be traveling with them. When Lisa agreed, Jisung brought the knights into the room.

'I thought Sir Krotin would be with us.'

Among the knights, she couldn't recognize any of them. Sir Krotin had run into the estate so vehemently, leaving a deep impression in her mind. However, she thought it would be rude to ask about a different person in front of all these people, so she decided against the idea.

One of the knights was in his mid-twenties, while the other three were about four to five years older. All of them were standing by the door, motionless like a statue. They stood a great distance away from Lisa, who was sitting on the sofa in the receiving room.

"Jisung, is there a reason the knights have to stand so far away?"

"No. However, it is just a precaution in case Your Grace feels scared seeing them up close."

The knights were tall and bulky in build, and with the addition of armor, they appeared like giants. All of the knights were equipped with a long sword by their hips. Often times, females would be frightened to death seeing them up close.

"It's fine. Tell them to come closer. I should at least be able to recognize their faces. If an emergency situation occurs, it wouldn't be right to stand so far away like this."

To Lisa, the knights' tall and bulky build didn't scare her at all. If that were the case, she wouldn't have been able to approach the Duke at all. She had learned in her dream that a person's physique didn't define the person. Inside her dream, she had experience in running a small shop, repairing the knights' armors and weapons.

"Understood, Madam."

The knights walked closer until they were only a few steps away. Jisung introduced their names one by one, while the knights gave a courteous nod as their names were mentioned. Among the knights, the eldest one spoke up.

"Your Grace, we will do our best to protect you while providing the best comfort possible. Madam, there is only one thing you must keep in mind. I'm sure this situation would never happen, but in case we become tangled in a dangerous situation, please do not leave Sir Heba's side."

The leader of the knights introduced her to Sir Shownu Heba. He was the youngest knight of the four.

"Why? Why is Sir Heba to guard me instead of the knights' leader?"

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