Chapter 21

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Cushioned on the finely detailed muscles of a man's body, there lay a woman's body. Leaning her head on his shoulders and placing her cheek on his upper chest, Lisa enjoyed the feeling of his hands gently caressing her naked back. His chest was under her palm and she felt fascinated by the firmness of his skin so she put a bit of strength in her hands and poked his skin.

"Starting tomorrow, I will be away from Roam for a few days."

"Where are you going to?"

"Fiefdom inspection. I plan to look around once or twice a month from now on."

Although he had fallen for the sweet dream called the newlywed life, he had not forgotten what he needed to do.

"Does a Lord need to do that?"

"Of course. I need to maintain order."

Those people are type to look for another place to go to if they do not see their master so before that happens, he has to tighten their leash. Although it was fun to observe and pick out the fools who look for another place and warn or deal them, he refrained from making such a coarse expression in front of her.

'Inspection of the fief...this is something he's originally been doing.'

Her husband in her dreams, Count Martin, had never once visited his fiefdom and as expected, Lisa had never been there either. However from time to time, she would see people coming from the fief with tax reports and have the report flung on their face and screamed at.

"Will it take long?"

"About three or four days. If it's a long visit, it can take a few more days."

'He won't be here for a few days.' Lisa felt somewhat strange.

Even though she'd come to Roam right after they had gotten married and had stayed alone for nearly a month, at some point, it had become natural for her to be near him.

She wondered if she were to say, 'Please come back soon', if he would get annoyed.

"Your next tea party is in two days, right?"

Lisa's second tea party was to be held two days later. It was almost half a month since her last tea party. Because of the success of the first tea party, Lisa was looking forward to the second one, however when she thought about how he wouldn't be around, her enthusiasm suddenly diminished.


"I have something to give you. It should arrive tomorrow or the day after."

"What is it?"

"A gift. I feel that the last tea party present was a bit lacking."

He was speaking in a calm voice but Lisa's heart began to throb. His unexpected and sudden gift made her heart flutter.

"Can I ask what the gift is?"

"A necklace."

As his voice was so bland, Lisa's heart that was throbbing in expectation cooled down slightly. It was simply a formal gift but here she was having high expectations alone.

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