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Digsby was about to respond, but he stopped, facepalming himself before speaking*i gotta go, I'm sorry, Jareth had said something about needing to talk to me earlier. I completely forgot.
I'll be back!* He hurried off up the pathway back to the castle, leaving you sitting in the meadow alone.

An uneasy feeling creeping over you as you finished your fruit, you scanned the trees around, unable to shake the feeling that someone or something was watching you.

After Several minutes had passed, you decided to cautiously make your way closer to the bushes to check for the unseen danger, your eyes dancing over their details with every step.

As you walked, your eyes happened upon a fair sized branch laying on the group.
You quickly snatched it up, holding it like a baseball bat as you approached the bushes, readying yourself for the attack you were sure was awaiting you.

*Is everything okay?* a voice came from behind you, triggering your adrenaline.
You quickly spun around with a swing, your heart pounding in your chest as you realized it was just Mosh.
He looked up at you with wide eyes as you tried to calm down.

*Don't sneak up on me like that! You could get yourself killed!* You exclaimed before cupping your face in your hands.

*I'm sorry, I was just coming over to inform you that Digsby won't be back for a while, apparently we have a new visitor and Jareth is in the process of getting things set up.

You okay though?.. you seem a little on edge* Mosh questions, his eyes going over how tense you look.

*Yeah, I'm fine i just-* you paused for a moment, your eyes returning to the thick bushes that weren't too far away from the two of you, Mosh's eyes following as well.

*I just feel like someone or something..is watching me..* you say looking to Mosh. Then shaking your head* you know what, I'm probably just being paranoid.
With everything that's happened recently, I guess it's messed with my mind* you laughed nervously.

Mosh just looked at you with a blank expression, making you feel like maybe you shouldn't have told him.
You were getting ready to apologize when his face suddenly lit up.
*maybe it's the fairy's?*

You hadn't even thought about that possibility, they are known for being mischievous after all.

You let out a small laugh at the thought, especially when remembering Jareth is a Fae.

*You're probably right, Mosh.
Thank you for easing my mind* you said before bending over and kissing the top of his head, causing his cheeks to turn bright red.

* You're welcome* he manages, his posture making it clear he's not used to being treated like this.

You looked at him momentarily before your lips curled into a smile.

*Come on you* you giggle before heading up the stone pathway to the castle, leaving Mosh standing with a confused expression on his face.


Jareth paced back and forth in front of Digsby, pondering what they had gone over.

*Sir?...* Digsby questions, causing Jareth to stop.

*I guess- I don't know Digsby, we don't usually have guests*

*He tried to stab me...*Digsby grumbles, clearly annoyed with Jareth's decision.

Jareth sighs as he reaches his hands up to place over his face, slowly pulling them down over his nose and mouth.

He mumbles something before lowering them completely.

~ An Unlikely Love Story~ Jareth XreaderWhere stories live. Discover now