The Subjection ..

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Short stories


The subjection

Her delicate soft lips' breeze .. sweeping bland towards him with affectionate blow in springtime !.. as a lazy white rose was bathing with a straw sun fibers incoming from the heart of fire ! ..

She was singing .. dancing .. her Quaker graceful body twitched to shed frost driblet off hers as a bitty grains is falling like rain .. inserting among his skin cellular and put the live onto a bud still wrap itself with the black winter coat ! ..

She wear the transparent rough night dress .. she was wagging in front of his sight that was yielded to the blue excitement ! ..

She dances .. revels above his chest then wagging her blushful hair over his aspect .. amuses .. sings ..joggle drunk from ecstasy and fall between his arms burning like his mother's brown bread oven coal ! ..

He groans deeply .. pshaw .. suspire and free ashen smoke conceived his breath !..

She smiles to him and covered his thick lips with desperate edacity ! ..

He revolts to the test of her blush lips ! ..

He tests her lips' strange sweetness nectar and look at her with eyes is narrowed throughout the blast ages !..

He yawns with subjection and sluggish .. and when she inserted her lucent lovely ruddy among his big mouth ! ..tagging her tongue madly tickle his splay ashen tongue .. trying hard to accolade his tongue .. but unable to do so ! ..

He idly yawn and groan wearily and repulsion and his big mouth clench and his ashen un assorted collective grinder against hers ..and nearly cut her pretty lucent tongue to two halves ..

She screamed suffering ! .. he opened his eyes wide with difficulty ..cause her rosy tongue almost intermit inside his wide mouth ! ..

He yawn again trying to give an apology while she is screaming .. suffering pain .. jumping from place to another .. swearing that she will never let her tongue hug his tongue again ! ..

He revolts with sole and hers .. she moves at him slowly .. that white rose and embraces him so close .. she does that with all her emotional sensation .. her fresh breath had awaking him from his continuous dreams .. his lust to her true love for full his empty mind ! ..

He withhold her arms and freed his neck .. and suddenly he threw her a way over his bed among his ashen steam breath that accumulated around them in that room among his burning red wearing breath ..

He tried to wear his thick black coat fighting with her arms while she was floated in the air with her fresh breath around him like a morning breeze ! ..

But he became a man carrying a bland hearted sole ! .. with a broken emotions and ashen breath ! ..

He withhold his black gloves between his hands .. giving them a repulsive look .. suddenly he glances her white small gloves flaying in the air towards him .. and hit his brown face ! ..

She was shouting .. screaming as a rebel .. wear her black stocking and her white dress .. angry whispering : .. we will see how you can bend to the days interest among the farewell at the chilly winter nights ! .. through weird calm silence !?! ..

We will see how you can be patient over your tumble spring farewell across your empty wasted days !?! ..

: .. Go on and strip out of your hereditary denotations ..

He looked at her with nonchalance look wondering what's next ! .. but he forgot everything and he opened his mouth with meek lassitude exhausting what was left of his ashen steam through his humble breath at the corners of the room four sides and he quickly left the room .

He opened his big chalybeate front door and disappeared out of her sight ! ..

He walked through the streets .. his face covered with astonishment .. staring blunder his steps forward .. searching for his identical without companion since he disposes love ages ago ! .. and still misery followed him wherever he go !.. and he query wonder :

Is it her fault ?!.. that whit rose ! .. how could she do that ?!.. even though he found her in his present snips while he was walking stumble amongst constrictive areas around the damp town !?! ..

She taught him how to stand still at his feet and walk amongst the crowded people .. she taught him how to stand to his rights !! .. she taught him how to face his existence in life with its hurricanes .. and its youth and calmness ! .. so he ran back to where he came from ..

He opens his door and enter inside in a hurry fighting his volatilized ashen steam that spreads in the air of his room .. searching for her at the corners .. at the mirror .. between his shirts and he couldn't find her except for her perfume odor she use to wear .. he searched for her amongst the paragraph lines which were written by her lipstick on the glass mirror .. he read .. farewell .. my springtime mate .. I am contracted with your hectic ashen steam ! ..

I am contracted with your frigidity embrace that I got used to it ! ..

farewell my companion .. the one that I taught him how to say the love words but he sold some of them to the freak .. and bestrew the rest among through the train window and became a fearful wolf !! ..

I will come back if you want me to do so but your hereditary habit is cruel and useless .. fearful ashen if you grasp it to you I will never come back to you again ..I will never do so .

The Subjection .. hadijurniWhere stories live. Discover now