The Ugly Dream ..

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The ugly dream ! ..

                         Byl ELHADI ALI GIORNI.

So many thoughts stirring in our heads driving us       crazy ! ..

And we wonder if we can live an easy live without any disturbance or a big Idea floated in the air around our heads in our sweet dreams ..

We all dream off a happy good modernized live .. easy to talk .. easy to walk .. easy to sleep without any annoying  sound might happened .. easy to say lei or to confirm a truth ! ..

Easy to write a word that can open the wide path for understanding what's our now a time is going through .. To the start or to the end .. and the End might be a disaster creating destruction to the world we live in .. our world ..

And you cannot say your world nor can me say my world .. it's all people's world in this earth ! ..

Sometimes we reach a point when we try to escape from our world to the seventh sky cuddling the white clouds  between our arms flaying high and suddenly we wake up over a scream after air force rockets bombing cities were living a quit peaceful live to ashes ..        Killing many Libyan people ( women ; children ; men ; and old men) .. creating a big destruction and ending many lives of people were dreaming every night with a wonderful world ..

What happened to them ?! ..

All European people watch the damage was created in Libya by their crazy presidents and smiling with gentle care  saying with shy voice sorry ..

All nation .. American ; French ; English ; Russian ; Italian German ; Indian ; Pakistanian ; Sweden etc saying the same .. but they doing nothing to stop this dirty ware on Libyan people . with thier great morals principles that free people from Imperialism and colonies and all people are the same there is no difference between black or brown or yellow and white they must all take their chances to study .. work and live a happy nice life concerning human rights .. but we cannot see the world human rights communities playing any role in this dirty ware from 40 European countries ( N.A.T.O ) killing civilian Libyan people in cold blood .. just watching without saying .. stop to this Nazi crusade  ( NATO )aggression with his fake reason ( protecting civilian )  whom are a few armed people who want to steal the life off Libyan people for their revenge purposes ..

These few armed ones some of them is from ( Elkaida  -The base ) we call them( crimanils ) because they slaughter and rape many girls and cut their breasts a life .. and this is the dirties work done concerning humanity  

But what so ever happened  the Libyan (Arab ) Nation is the one and only one who stood up without fear fighting and defending their country to death ! ..

Our anger turned to grief .. we could see nothing but shame in the future as we thought of terrible world injustice heaping it self upon us Libyan by the United Nation .. but we would not weep at all .. the ( NATO ) forces had not the right to stir up such trouble and kill and humiliate  Libyan people who fought for their rights to live a peacefully in mutual love with their great history fighting for thier rights who saved their life and gave freedom to thier beloved people ..

It's pleasant to be friendly with you European people and to have your support .. and have you always at our side ! ..

God is powerful .. God is love ..

God would send the finest victory back home for the Libyan people and their brave people.

Thank you ..


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