//chapter 8\\

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A/N: this video has made me cry on multiple occasions, super short, not sad, just really sweet. There's a George one on YouTube too, I'll prolly do it next chapter. I like, can't. "I'll be very gentle" "are you okay?" Like stop. My heart can't. Anyway enjoy this chapter my lovelies!!


After walking hand in hand with he twins for what seemed like eternity, you three finally made it to downtown London. You looked around, reminiscing of the days when you and Hagrid had first appeared here, to buy equipment for the school you were eventually to meet the same boys you were now peering up at. You looked at them, confusion written all over your face. They quickly disconnected their arms, looped around yours, only to replace your once empty hands with theirs as they pulled you to a telephone box. They pulled you inside briskly, forcing you into a Weasley twin sand which. Your face grew an utmost dark shade of crimson as you were practically on top of George, while Fred dabbled with a few buttons. You could feel George's heavy breathing on top of your hair, as a few strands blew around. You knew he was always a bit claustrophobic, so you grabbed his hand, clasping your small fingers around his sweat drenched hand. He gave your hand a slight squeeze in appreciation. The telephone box began twirling around, the world around it spinning into a blue misty haze. You felt yourself adjust yourself, trying to find balance on either foot, shifting positions. Fred turned around, pinning himself to you as you three were inside a spinning telephone box in the middle of London. You didn't dare make eye contact with Fred, knowing you were in an awkward position. His body was right on yours, and yours right on George's. You tried steadying your heartbeat, that was racing fast enough you swore on Merlins beard, it was able to be heard. 

After what seemed longer than you'd like, the telephone booth stopped twirling, and you were in a quaint little village known as Hogsmeade. Fred being closest, opened the door, helping a very flustered you, and George out. You patted your dress down, brushing off the invisible dust, hoping to recollect yourself. It seemed like lately being around the boys you grew up with, was now becoming a regular fluster factor for you. George and Fred once again reunited with you, looping their arms with yours, as you three walked around the adorable village. You took in the sights around you; brick and mortar buildings, with shackled roofs, antique signs of all colors labeling the buildings, the mossy stone paths, the scattered wildflowers and streams around the beds of wild roses, the dense forests of green surrounding the village like a wall. As if your face couldn't light up anymore, you came along a choir of the magic village folk, harmonizing to classical melodies. 

Fred chuckled, giving George a look. "A dance, m'lady?", he said bowing before you. You bit your tongue to hold back the laughter rising in your throat, as you accepted his hand nervously. In an instant, you were being pulled to the choir, nearly off the ground. Fred bent down, whispering a song suggestion to the choir, to which they looked between you and Fred, gave a quaint smile, and nodded. When Fred reached you again, you looked up at him with furrowed brows. He took your hand like a gentleman, and with the other, cautiously snaked his other arm around your waist. 

"What're you up to Weasley?", you asked. The grin you got in response, sent butterflies racing in your stomach, unable to tell if it was out of fear or something you weren't quite aware of. He simply shrugged, 

"Well that's for me to know, and for you to find out Y/N." 

You gave up questioning the methods of the two boys, as the choir began to sing one of your favorite songs. Your head quickly snapped towards them in awe, and back to Fred. You began slowly dancing, stumbling here and there, but quickly picking it up. You two slow danced to "perfect" by Ed Sheeran, laughing occasionally even when nothing was said. You laid your head on his chest, full of innocence, and completely unaware of the people staring at you. By the time the song had ended, Fred pulled away, twirling you off, as the people around you clapped. You smiled, and dropped a couple galleons into one of the choirfolks hat. George was now walking out from a shop in the distance, grinning as he ran towards you and Fred. 

"Saw that from inside, I did. If I didn't know better, I'd say you two danced like two elders in love.", this earned a laugh from the three of you. Fred chuckled, gazing down at you for nothing longer than 3 seconds, before winking at you, and walking off to another shop. That left you with George, who was grinning. 

"Are you going to ask me to dance too Traintracks? Cause I think if I sway one more time, my legs might sway out from under me." You said, pointing to your almost wobbling legs. He laughed, shaking his head.

"For your sake, no. I was actually planning on taking you to my favorite place that Hogsmeade had to offer." He grabbed your hand gently, walking at your pace. You followed him as fast as you could, until you were almost no longer in the village, but instead in a thick forest. A piece of you panicked, for there was almost no natural light, besides the occasional ray of sun through a patch of missing leaves. You were about to protest, when you could see in the distance there was a patch of sunlight, giving you hope. He continued holding your hand as he led you to an opening, revealing an almost silver lake; the sprinkles of sunlight twinkling off the water, the perfectly green grass wailing about around it, the cotton candy clouds flouting about, and the little old wooden deck leading out. You looked at him with amazement, to which he winked, pulling you to the dock. As you got closer, you saw that it wasn't just a lake, but more like a beach, with perfect flat stones surrounding its waters. You looked at each other, smirking at the idea you two shared. You quickly filled your shirts with as many stones you could, running out to the dock. Once you reached the end, you two plopped down at the edge, letting your feet dangle. You began skipping stones, into the water at times, or rather at each other. 

"Reckon I can throw farther than you Y/N." 

"You're on weaslebe" 

You two sat there for awhile, chucking stones at the once calm waters, laughing and shouting at who threw farther, and who was a cheater. 

~Time skip cause we're all hungry Ron~ 

After you an George met back up with Fred, your stomach began to growl, a clear indication that you were hungry. Thankful you were as well, the twins led you to the nearest tavern. You three made your trek to The Three Broomsticks. Fred held the door open for you, and George bowed, waving his arm ahead of himself. You snickered, hitting them both on the shoulder, stepping inside the pub. You quickly found a suitable booth in the back of the room, sitting between the two boys. It wasn't long before a waiter came hurrying over, tossing you each a menu. 

"Hi, welcome to-"

"The three broomsticks, your names Chad. You may help us by starting off and getting two", George looked at you. You nodded, knowing where he was going. "Three, butterbeers, and an appetizer of potato fries and ranch." The waiter looked irritated yet appalled at George, and turned towards you, giving you a quick look as if to say "you could do so much better." You rolled your eyes at him, his back already facing you, beginning to laugh. 

"Come here often I suppose?", you asked, as a different waiter brought you three your butterbeers, and a basket full of fries, with a small bowl of ranch. They know me so well. You three quickly began diving in, laughing about jokes, talking of school, yet mostly listening as the twins impersonated each person who walked in. 

After eating, and enjoying the company you had been in, they paid the bill, even after you had protested.

"Nonsense love, this was our special friendship day with you.", Fred said, once again opening the door for you, as you three left the tavern. You paid no mind to the original waiter, glaring at you three as you left. 

"Yeah, not to mention, we don't get to spend time with you outside of the Burrow much.", George stated, as you connected your arms once more, making your way back to the Portkey. 

Once you got home, you gave each both a small peck on the cheek, thanking them for everything they had done. You hoped they truly felt it, because you'd truly meant it. You never had older brothers, or such close male figures, that you could spend a whole day with, and to have a day like that, was pure bliss. It almost seemed cliche, like you should be watching someone else have this day, or reading about it. But this was all you. And of course the boys, the boys you began to think a little bit differently of. 

Teenage Dreamer// weasley twins x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now