//chapter 7\\

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A/N: ok so, this ain't my song, and it's kinda rap ig, but it just is a bop. Like. 0:51 from than on, is huge in the dining community I guess, and it just makes me feel like I'm in a Harry Potter edit sooo enjoy. Enjoy this chapter. :))


Every day down at the Burrow with the Weasley family, was more and more magnificent. You had become closer and closer to the entire family, Charlie and Bill aside, but significantly more to the twins. Every you spent with them in the summer, meant every day you grew with them. There wasn't a single bad day, maybe other than the time you had woken up to rag dolls floating in a circle around your head, all peering down at you with their disgusting button eyes, and terribly sewn mouths. It didn't take long to figure out who the culprit was, instantly stomping down the stairs like a bloody elephant, and cussing the twins out. And they of course, were toppled over with laughter, clutching their stupid stomachs, and laughing their stupid laughs. Other than that, you had been having a wonderful summer season. Percy often went with Arthur to the Ministry on the days he had work, Molly spent her free time reading old muggle literature, knitting her family known sweaters, and tending the garden she took such pride in. Meaning the rest of you spent a lot of time together, primarily you and the twins. 

For example, last week George had asked you to go picking wildflowers with him, which you thought to be odd. It seemed very romantic and cliche, but you went and loved it, until George informed you they'd been picking the flowers for a new sneezing fit spell he had learned. Figures. Aside from the root of the idea, spending time with George amongst the golden husks of corn, lavishing green grass, and all the sprinkles of colorful wildflowers around you two, seemed like something you'd only find in a romance novel. You two picked flowers in bundles, talked about classes, and what you'd hope this year to be like. 

Or a couple days ago when Fred surprised you to game of quidditch against him, as he taught you simple tricks such as, how not to die, get hit, die, most likely die, and again, die. And as much as he drilled the knowledge on how not to die during a match of quidditch, that didn't stop you from getting tossed off your broomstick after he beat a bludger accidentally in your direction. He hurried to the ground you were on, worried until he saw you laughing, and began laughing with you. He extended his hand, you smiling and taking it, as he pulled you up on your feet. You two shook hands, letting him no you had no hard feelings. You quickly mounted your broomsticks again, and continued playing until dinner time. 

But what you didn't expect, was the neatly wrapped gift lying at the foot of your bed, as you woke up. You cautiously picked it up, expecting a clown to pop out, or some other prank. You gave it a gentle shake, backing up in case of an explosion. (We don't want to be Seamus). After nothing happened, you carefully examined the box; it wasn't big, but it had been wrapped in neat, crispy old newspaper, most likely from some Muggle press Arthur subscribed to. It had a beautiful black bow on top, connected to two matching black ribbons tied around the box. You carefully unwrapped it, revealing a letter on top of a cardboard box. "Meet up at the fireplace at 2 p.m. precisely. Can't make any promises on our end however, -George & Fred. P.s. wear this" you read, furrowing your eyebrows at the idea of what they could have in mind.  You opened the box, revealing a beautiful maroon spaghetti strap dress, about mid thigh, and a tan, silky long sleeve to put under, because both boys know you're not all that confident, (bless them). 

You lift it up to your chest, examining it in the mirror, in complete awe. Those boys, those stupid adorable boys, you thought to yourself. You set it down on your bunk, running downstairs. As you met George's eyes, you quickly engulfed him in a tight hug. He was taken aback, but soon enough hugged you back. As you pulled away, you kept your hands on his shoulders saying, "You George Fabian Weasley, are too kind, and too thoughtful, and I can't find a way to thank you." He chuckled, shrugging his shoulders with a cocky smile. 
"Well yknow, I try y/n. It's not that easy being this handsome AND amazing. So take it all in." Now usually, this would've made you roll your eyes, but in this moment he was amazing. It wasn't long before Fred came out of the bathroom, and was soon smothered by you. He instantly pulled you back, looking worried.

Teenage Dreamer// weasley twins x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now