Chapter 18: Promise Land pt 2

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Kaylee lit the candles and set two plates in front of them as she took the food out of the picnic basket. Kaylee then took out her speaker and decided to play some acoustic music softly and just enjoy each other's presence. The whole time Danielle watched in awe hoping, praying this wasn't a dream and if it was she'd hope she'd never wake up.

During their dinner the two talked about anything and everything. And like always the conversation was solely focused on Kaylee and what she did when she was gone. Kaylee hated talking about herself. She felt like a pompous narcissist. And it wasn't like Kaylee could tell Danielle fun facts about herself since she already knew them by watching interviews, and reading articles. She took a deep breath cleaning her mouth with a napkin.

She laid down placing one hand behind her head as a pillow. Danielle did the same grabbing Kaylee arm and placing it behind her head as well.

"You always do that" Kaylee turned towards her girlfriend

"Do what?" Danielle asked curiously. She'd didn't know what she was doing. Danielle was about to get up thinking she'd done something wrong but Kaylee stopped her pulling her back down.

"You use my arm as a pillow. Now don't get me wrong I love a good dead arm." Kaylee paused looking up at the stars. "But it makes it feel like you're at a distance" Kaylee pointed out the few inches of space they had between them. Danielle fidgeted with her necklace unsure of what to do. That was the only way she knew how to be closed to someone. Kaylee took another deep breath bringing her arm up and over causing Danielle to roll over onto her. Danielles head now rested on kaylees chest as her arm was protectively wrapped around Danielle. Danielle was turning red and could feel the heat in her cheek. She stayed quiet hearing something soft in her ear. She held her breath and focused on the thumbing sound. Was that her own heart beat or was that Kaylees racing almost wanting to pop out of her chest. Danielle took her arm that was tucked under her and hesitantly wrapped it around Kaylees waist.

"Why are you scared around me" Kaylee softly spoke. "Did I do something wrong. Do I make you uncomfortable?" Danielles closed her eyes hoping that keeping them close would prevent her from crying in front of her girlfriend. Kaylee had been nothing but honest with her. It was only fair to do the same. But for some reason it felt like Danielle was suffocating falling into a dark abyss.

"I want to be someone you can talk to, but I don't want to force you. Danielle you can go, you can take your time... and I'll be here waiting, I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying here. Nothing you say or do could ever change my mind about you" Kaylee just smiled closing her eyes and resting in the peacefulness of their new found secret spot. She heard the younger girl take a deep breath and slowly exhale.

"I saw my ex today" Danielle held her breath once more. This was the question that would determine the rest of their relationship. The question that will prove to Danielle that she could open up to Kaylee and not be scared of rejection and or abandonment.

"Did he give you a hard time? Want me to get Alex to beat him up." Kaylee said in a relaxed tone. She was mad, and jealous but the thought of showing obsession would scare the younger girl for sure. Danielle looked up at Kaylee. She could tell the older girl was clenching her jaw trying to calm herself. Danielle thought for a minute and began to rub her girlfriend neck gently.

"No" Danielle chuckled frustrated. "He doesn't give a rats ass about me. Besides taunting me and other things..."

"He sounds like a total ass, what did you ever see in him" Kaylee raised her head a bit confused looking at Danielle.

"He was... hot I guess. Him and I met when we were in high school. Football QB can only date the best. And as cheer and soccer Captain. I guess that made me... the best" Kaylee heard Danielles voice hitch a bit. She tightened her hold of the younger girl, comforting her as much as possible. "I never dated anyone. My parents were really, really strict. It was a broken home. Consistent drinking, yeah. I never got along with them...instead I focused on school. Because we weren't well off I had to get a scholarship to go to college. Luckily enough my soccer skills were enough to get me a scholarship to University of Virginia." Danielle couldn't help but laugh at the last part. She thought for a minute. If she'd gone to college would she run into Kaylee while she shot her movie there... was that also fate... or was it only because she was in LA.

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