𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 6

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!!What the hell is this?? Why did he lift me up?? I know that he is quite tall and well-built but am I that easy to lift!?!?!?!.........and why does he want to drink beer here!! I hate it when he's so comfortable while I'm busy worried about what his next move might be!! Guitar thought to himself.

After placing Guitar on the bonnet Solo gives him the beer cans and gently hops on to the bonnet himself. After taking one can Solo lies against the windshield and when he finds how confused Guitar is, he asks him to lie against the windshield as well.

After knowing his intentions Guitar could sense no such danger he earlier thought of, so he gently nods and lies back, gazing at the stars and simultaneously sipping the beer Solo gave him.

After a few minutes Solo's hands glided behind Guitar's head and then stopped on his shoulders. With this guitar's head rested on Solo's hand. Guitar just acted involuntarily as he was totally emersed into the night sky right above him, whereas Solo was well aware about his actions and after seeing Guitar's reaction, he lets out a smile and sits even more comfortably.

The silence broke when Solo uttered,

"My mom was the only person who paid attention to what I liked and what I wanted, there was no yone who cared about how I slept, ate or played except my her. She made me my favorite snacks and took me to the parks. My dad was also in the picture but he didn't play the role of a perfect father who should laugh with his son, play with his son or teach him how to ride a bike. He was always busy with his work he didn't ignore us but he was just a little bit too busy to spend time with us. My mom even taught me how to play a guitar but by the time I could show her how I actually played.....she left. She left me and dad alone when I was 6"

Said Solo in a very soft voice as he tightened his grip on Guitar's shoulder towards the end and paused when Guitar suddenly looked up. He looked down towards Guitar and their noses touched he could see a little bit teary and shocked Guitar; he could sense that the shock was due to what he just said about losing his mother. All he could think that how cute Guitar looked with that little pout and damp eyes in his arms.

He's been keeping it in for a while now but right now he just couldn't, he felt the need to know his lips and taste them without backing off Solo leaned in and placed his lips on Guitar's.

Guitar's eyes widened and his mind was still processing when he realized that his soulmate was kissing him, he closed his eyes and gently gave in but by the time Guitar could get the feel and get any further Solo grew apart and their lips separated. Solo wanted to make sure if he was going to get hit or killed but he was shocked when he saw the look on Guitar's face which completely said ~I want some more~ Solo smiled and without wasting any time he closed the space between them and kissed him again and to his surprise Guitar played along when he went to suck his lower lips, not like Guitar did the same but he voluntarily let Solo suck his plum and cherry red lips. Now that Solo knew he would get what he wants he tried to sneak into Guitar's mouth, his tongue lingered around in the inside of Guitar's lips as it was asking permission to get in and savor every part of Guitar's mouth and again to his surprise Guitar just lets him in at once.

Guitar couldn't believe that he was getting kissed, he didn't play along more like he couldn't play along coz he felt he might be a sloppy kisser and that might disappoint Solo as he has never kissed anyone before, so he just lets Solo do whatever he wants and he himself just rests on Solo's arms and enjoys his first kiss.

On the other hand, Solo doesn't want to rush things and scare Guitar off, he ends the kiss after a few seconds and backs off trying to look into Guitar's eyes and smile at him but here Guitar looks completely disheartened and unsatisfied. As soon as he opens his eyes Solo was right Infront of him, he couldn't contain himself as he knew how well his face explained what he wanted so he tried to flee.

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