The Nightmare {Angst/Fluff}

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A/N: Thank you for the comment!! Hope this'll hit the feels! I also hope I did it right!

This is mainly in Jack's POV so I could be a little more descriptive and because if it was in Dave's I can't make up a nightmare- so-

On with the oneshot!! ✨


Nobody's POV:

It's been a hard time at work for both Dave and Jack, rough days filled with kiddens, not as many murders like the past, and a bunch of yelling.

Jack's POV:

It was finally Friday and I had the weekend off for once. I started heading towards the door to go home when I'm suddenly stopped by Dave who had to run in front of me like the weirdo he is. He didn't look that good, but still managed to catch up to me.

"Hey sportsy.! I know this might sound weird.. But you mind if I sleep over tonight? I know you're off tomorrow and all but I just don't wanna be home alone tonight.." Dave sounded really exhausted and even sad compared to his normal goofy self. I had no other choice but to accept it. "Sure thing Dave, but, haven't you gotten into my house before anyways and just stayed up all night for that..?" "Oh. Yeah. Well about that- I thought it would be better to ask this time-" Dave is one weird person, but I still care for him.

I started walking and that's when Dave realized I didn't have a car- the only car my family ever owned was crashed- so what did Dave do? He grabbed me and pulled me over to his purple car. What other color would it be. We got in and I gave him the directions to my house, I may have my drivers license but hell if I know how to drive this man's car. Everything was wayyyy different from how I learned.

When we got to my house and went inside I closed the door and locked it behind us, "Home sweet home I guess?" Dave chuckled at my questioned remark- "Would you mind if I slept in your bed with you old sport?" I smiled and rolled my eyes a little, "You wouldn't let that be an option because that's the choice you already made." We took a moment to laugh at that and I got Dave some pajamas, let him get changed, and we ate whatever I had left over for dinner- Dave didn't say anything about it and he was really happy about everything, which made me happy.

When we were heading to bed Dave gave me a kiss on the forehead and I got extremely flustered- he laughed at seeing my face all red, I knew it was red because of how hot I felt. We got into bed and fell asleep.

{~Timeskip of 2 hours brought to you by nightmares!~}

Dave's POV:

I started whining and flipping around, this nightmare was worse than the last couple of nights.. It wouldn't stop, worse things one after another till I shot awake and sat up, "NO!-" I took a moment from my panic and looked around realising I was in Jack's house and bed..

I accidentally woke up Jack and he sat up looking at me and rubbing his eyes, "You okay there Davey..?" I remained silent even though I know I had to respond.. ".. It's alright not to be okay... Here.. Why don't you come closer and tell me about it.." I scooted closer to Jack and he layed me in his lap, which made me blush- but it was dark enough so he couldn't tell. "I was just having a nightmare... It was about.. Losing you.. And I don't want to lose you sportsy.." "Well it's a good thing you won't lose me any time soon..."

Jack started playing with my hair and it made me drowsy.. "I love you, old sport.." He didn't respond yet and that made me worried.. Worried for if he didn't love me back.. "Dave.. I love you too... And I'll always be here for you... For now, let's go back to sleep.. You look like you need the rest..." I smiled at that and he stopped playing around with my hair, we both layed down again and Jack had moved closer to me to cuddle.

All my dreams for the rest of the night were nice and calm, nobody being taken away.. And nobody getting lost...

*+:。.。The end of this oneshot!。.。:+*

Thank you for reading! It means a lot to me that you took your time to read it!! And thank you very much to bunny_jesus for the request!

(Yes I will mention the user who requested it, so they can be notified of their request being done! If you want me to remove your mention or don't mention you, you can tell me and I won't!)

See ya later!!!

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