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She shoved her clothes inside her suitcase and closed it harshly making the zipper close its teeth together louder than she expected. She grabbed her coat that was laid on top of the bed where she and her lover used to sleep together then wore it on.

She can hear the main door open and footsteps coming close to the bedroom she was in but she didn't stop preparing herself to leave this place and him.

"Baby, I'm home!" he cheerfully said.

"Y/n?" Seonghwa called her name from behind after seeing her all dressed and... packed up. The change of tone in his voice was obvious to not notice. She didn't look at him and rummaged through the closet's drawers to find her passport.

"Y/n, what's the meaning of this? Why did you pack up all of your things?"

She stood back up with her passport on her hand and kept them on her coat's pocket. Sighing, she looked at him. "What do you think? I want to end this relationship, Seonghwa." her voice was so bland and her beautiful face was stoic that didn't show any other expression than seriousness.

While he was so confused of her sudden actions and decision of cutting off her relationship with him. She also didn't miss to see the pained look on his face. "W-what? Why all of a sudden? W-why are you breaking up with me?" she walked passed him, carrying her suitcase.

"Drop the act, Seonghwa. You know what you did. I'm tired and sick of everything about us. Just forget about me and move on. I'm leaving." she went out of the room and walks towards the exit of the house.

"No, no no no..." he breaths, pulling his hair on his hands before he quickly follows her and immediately blocks her way with his body.

"No, Y/n please. Let's talk this out. You can't just leave me like this, please..." his eyes started to water. He grabbed her small hands on his and held them tight.

"There's nothing to talk about. We are over and that's final." she pulls her hands from him. "Get out of the way, Seonghwa. I still have a flight to catch up." she tries pushing him away but he didn't budge even a bit.

He bends down on his knees, grabbing her hands once again. "No, Y/n! Don't leave me, please! I'm begging you!" he cries, hot tears streams down his face. Her heart ached at the vulnerable sight of him yet she held herself back from falling back on her feet and kept her emotions sealed in.

"Seonghwa, stop it! Stop this! We're over, okay? Get over it and let me leave!" she gets her hands back again from him and hurriedly drags her suitcase to the door.


She slammed the door shut and ran towards the gate and opened them. Once she got out, she immediately hailed a cab that she saw first then got in.

"To where are we heading, miss?" asks the driver.

"To the airport, please." she said, catching her breathe. The man nods his head and started driving.

"Y/N! Don't leave me, please! Y/N!!!" Seonghwa chases after the cab, running as fast as he can just so he could reach out for the girl that he loves the most.

She can see him through the rear mirror, calling out her name desperately as he was running after her until his pace slowed down and he fell on the ground. His figure disappeared as the cab drove farther.

She forced herself to look away and wander her mind to somewhere else. The driver cleared his throat, grabbing her attention. "Excuse me, miss? Do you want me to drive back to... him?" he carefully asked.

Y/n shook her head, "No, it's fine. Let's go straight to the airport." she answered and he hesitantly nods again. He sympathised Seonghwa yet he also respects Y/n's decision that's why even though he feels bad for the man, he still continued driving.

She looked outside the window, watching the sceneries blur on her vision as the drive was fast enough. This is it, her final decision. She's finally leaving Seonghwa and this place so she could restart her life to somewhere she won't be reminded by anything about him.

She can't stay with a man who kills anyone just because he loves her. She can't fall in love with a man who kept the truth from her just so she won't leave him. She can't love a man who's too in love with her that he forgot how to love himself. In other words, she can't love Seonghwa.

Even if she already did.


Pathetic, I know. Lately, I've been trying to write books with dark concepts so I wanna try dark romances too. I'm so done with fluffs and bright concepts cuz I'm bad at 'em. Hope you like this :)

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