Chapter: One

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"Guys this year's cultural event should be better than last year! and that will happen only when... more number of students will participate", you said; as you paced back and forth around the large classroom with boys drooling over you; you stopped your tracks when young Jae questioned you, "aren't you participated y/n?" while leaning his chin on his palm while his elbow rested on the table and his hand was in an upright position while smiling at you, "um.. no, I won't join as I want other students to participate this year."

You said in your honey-like voice while eyeing someone, "everyone will get a chance to cooperate because we not only have dance and music but also a play to perform this time, which is Romeo and Julie-" but before you could complete someone spoke, "Romeo and Juliet", Jungkook said leaning against the door frame of the classroom as he interrupted your sentence... "It's extremely old school and damn complicated... we could try something new," he said with all confidence he had, "more drama, romance, passion, seriousness.... ghoul love story acts could be done," he said as he walked towards you...

your jaws dropped down, while your eyes turned big like a plate... he wore black tight-fitting jeans which hugged his torso perfectly plus showed his dense thighs and long slender legs, plus that leather jacket just didn't help you.... not drool over him, with that messy hair...GOSH... in normal words, he LOOKED HOT! He walked sexily in front of you and grabbed your tiny waist from one of his muscular hand and pulled you to close to his well-built body, and leaned in... Both of your lips were about touch.... just when the bell rang! And Jungkook came back into existence from his daydreaming.

He quickly shoved his book in his bag and got up and headed towards the door... that's when Jimin came and asked Jungkook that will he join the event? "m-me? Joining the cul-cultural event, in front so many educators, pupils, and way! " Jungkook quickly pushed Jimin in front and accompanied him from behind; he wanted to get out of there as soon as possible... as they reached near the exit that's when you called out his name and he turned back to see you, you guys made eye contact for a second until he broke it and stared at the floor...

"You heard what I said right?" you question him and he answered right away by giving a nod "so... what is your decision then? You are so talented you should try-" he quickly replied, "I-I can't y/n-" "what y/n, you know his answer, still you asked?" Jimin interrupted "okay at least not in the play but sports competition?" you asked again "sports competition? y/n-" Jimin was intruded by Jungkook "jumping, running, and doing so many other thi-things in front of s-so m-an-many people... I can't do it." Jungkook said sternly and immediately escorted out of the class leaving you and Jimin behind. "sorry." was the only thing Jimin said before running after Jungkook.

"She spoke to you for the first time and you turned her down," he said while folding his arms and raising his eyebrows... "You know me right! I can't perform in front of the masses, even if she asks me to do so." that was the last thing Jimin heard before leaving the university. 


Jungkook placed his mums' bag on the desk and spoke, "you and your radio stations play so many amazing songs and the RJ's are so entertaining... it must be difficult to talk in front of the whole crowd; it might be really difficult to be an RJ right?" he asked with a concerned face that's when his mum quickly pulled his hand and made him sit next to her and said, "it's not like what you think, RJ's don't talk in front of people; they sit alone in the studio and voice out their thoughts and opinions to others... whatever they have in their mind they say that."

Jungkook suddenly showed his world-famous bunny smile and jumped out of the bed and exclaimed "oh! That's why your RJ's are so fun, it feels like whatever they say comes from their heart!" his mum smiled and added that she is coming up with a new show for university students... a show which the youth can relate to... and Jungkook was quite happy and said, "that's amazing mom!" however the environment got a bit serious... "It will be amazing... when we find an amazing RJ."

As soon as he heard that his cheered-up face lost its color, the bunny smile which was plastered become a cute pout and his eyes lost its shine. "anyways I'll go change then we will have dinner...ok?" Jungkook hummed in response to the question and his mum left the room. "whenever we want something in life... we usually don't get that... but we do get tension; mom's is finding an RJ and mine... ugh! My problem has NO solution" he said before he got up and went to the dining table.


Hope you guys like this fanfic :))

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