Four - Sway

43 7 24

I ran to the portico from the cab, the slow droplets of water pelting me in the face and shoulders. Opening the door, I quickly shied in, shivering from the sudden cold, and spotted Carrie lounging on the sofa, looking extremely indignant, her hands and feet crossed.

I walked over, still shaking from the cold, and grabbed a towel from the shelf, wiping myself down, the water slowly draining into the soft fluffy piece of cloth.

I flopped on the couch, into Carrie's lap, and began draining my hair.

But she immediately got up and moved away, her lip trembling and her leg shaking. I turned up to her and asked, "What happened, Carrie? Is...something wrong?"

She turned away from me and buried her face in the cushion, without a sound.

I slowly tried to pry her into my direction, but she clutched my hand and pushed me away, scraping one of her nails against my forearm in the process.

I hissed in a short breath through my teeth; the scrape hurt.

"Carrie, please don't be unreasonable, I'm here now, and you can talk to me. Please tell me what's wrong, dear."

"Oh, I'm unreasonable, am I? Says the person who completely forgot about our anniversary and was supposedly "working" all day!!!"

She buried her head back in the cushion, her cheeks red and flushed due to her outrage.

I had completely forgotten that our anniversary was today, and as the rain thundered outside, my brain pounded inside, thinking of ways to salvage this mess.

Suddenly, I walked over to the stairs and climbed to the loft, opening the small hatch that was partially cracked on one edge. The smell of old books, trodden antiques along with countless knickknacks, and the musty vapour caused by years of negligence hit me.

I waved a hand in front of my nose to clear the dust, and took a heavy step toward the object that I sought, a vintage gramophone that my parents had inherited from some grand aunt or the other. Coming closer, I noticed the intricate embossing and gold inlay on the sides of this complexity.

The letters ᴄᴏʟᴜᴍʙɪᴀ ɢʀᴀᴍᴏᴘʜᴏɴᴇ were studded on a beam note, which was outlined with black. Next to the box, there was a shelf filled with several cassettes and CD's from the 90's, which I had grown up listening to, fascinated by the revolving disc and the lilting notes in my childhood.

I spotted a cover with three people in yellow raincoats and slanted fedoras, careening in umbrellas. Smiling, I slid it out from it's spot and stared at the familiar cover, which had a song that was one of my favorites, and the title seemed appropriate to the situation I was in right now.

 Smiling, I slid it out from it's spot and stared at the familiar cover, which had a song that was one of my favorites, and the title seemed appropriate to the situation I was in right now

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Lugging the piece of machinery with the rectangular CD cover situated on the top, I managed to make my way downward, staggering at every second step of the ladder.

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