Chapter 30

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Gemma's POV
My paws hurt from how long I've been running. The sun had set a long time ago and it was close to midnight. I had to go back. I could feel Conner's worry through the bond.

I thought back to yesterday. He seemed reluctant to tell me we were going here. If I had not asked, would be have told me. I mean yes because I had to go but before we left this morning he was hiding something from me.

Did he know? What if he did and is planning to kill this pack? What if the Hunter business was just lies?

My head spun with so many questions and my heart beat faster. I was a hurricane inside. Nothing made sense. I created a long ice spear and used a lot of force to rum it into a tree.

I didn't feel any better. I shifted back and punched the same tree with all my might. My knuckles slit open and blood gushed everywhere and I still felt lost.

I need to talk to Conner.

I run through the forest, my bare feet kicking up dust, my white dress covered in mud and blood and my blue hair flying behind me.

I made it into the house. My wounds had healed already. I opened the door and focused on Conner's scent, tracking him with purpose.

I ignored the calls from Eve and Caroline as I marched to what I think was now Conner and I's room.

I pushed the door open with so much force, it bagged against the wall. My eyes searched the room until they settled on Conner who was walking to me.

"Gemma? What happened love?" He asked reaching out for me.

I slapped his hands away.

"You knew didn't you? That's why you didn't want to tell me how long we were staying. How could you come here?" I asked.

I wasn't sure if the emotions I was putting out. There were so many. Confusion, sadness, need to know the truth. I needed clearance. That's all.

Clearance then I could finally have some peace of mind.

"What? Gemma, slow down." Conner said.

"Why didn't you want to tell me how long we were staying this morning?" I asked.

He sighed. "Because I knew the pack you came from was somewhere around here and I wanted to track it down and hurt every single one of those bastards." He growled.

Truth. That's all he was saying. I could feel his emotions from the mate bond. He didn't want me to worry too much. With the hunters and the abuse, it was all going to be too much for me.

He was right. It was too much.

The only thing I managed to process was that he didn't know.

He didn't know.

Was I sad? Happy? Relieved? I'm not sure. I knew I had to tell him at some point. Not now. Now, I had somewhere to go.

"I have to go." I said retreating.

Conner grabbed my hand. "Gemma you can't. Your hurt and look tired. Come here." He said pulling me further in the room.

I shook my head. "Conner, let me go. I promise to come back to you." I said. He didn't seem to budge. "Please." I begged.

Conner let me go and turned to enter the room without looking back at me. My heart shattered into a million pieces.

"Thank you." I said before dashing away.

I'm hurting him. I know that but I need to first clear my head. I'm grieving for my past self and I need to do it properly before my mind goes haywire.

I run in the direction of the pack house. Close to it, I drenched myself in water, temporarily blocking my scent and removing my blood.

The lights were off, as expected. I climbed through one of the windows and landed in the living room. I looked around. Nothing had changed much. Maybe a little nick nack here and there.

I made my way through the house, my mind still remembering the worst and best places to step. I made my way upstairs until I stood in front of a door.

My door. a.k.a, the storage closet door.

I wrapped my hand around the door knob and turned. The door opened slightly. I took a deep breath and pushed it open.

Nothing had changed or had been removed. My bed was still as the same I left it that day, the bucket was still full of water and the face towel was lying beside it.

No one had been here since I left. The only scent here was Chase's. Must have visited here a lot for pity parties.

I walked into the room, looking around, I couldn't believe the difference between the girl standing in it now and the girl who used to sleep here.

So much had changed. Tears fell from my eyes but not of sadness. Of happiness, clarity and acceptance. I was an abused little omega. Now I'm a strong Luna with a loving mate, fiercely loyal friends and a great pack.

I moved into the room, pulling back a piece of the wall, I pulled the lever and a door appeared in front of me, slowly opening. I smiled.

The secret gym. Oh how I missed it sometimes. I loved the silence, the smell... I walked in and run my fingers along the punching bag.

All those nights of releasing my anger, all those times I tore it open accidentally and had to fix it. The one night I stole a punching bag from the pack gym.

I laughed. I was such a sneaky trouble seeker.

I moved out of the gym and let the door close. I took one last look at the closet before walking out and closing the door.

Closing that time of my life and closing away the negative energy I had of that time. It was all behind me.

I quickly exited the house and shifted, running through the forest to where my mate waited for me.

My heart was lighter than it has ever been, my mind slightly clear and some of my questions answered. There was still so much about this pack that rubbed me the wrong way but secrets always come out.

I'm just hoping when they do, the consequences can easily be handled.

You know, Gemma is really cool. Going to the place where it all started. I wish I was that brave.

Instead, I'm scared of spiders. You can't blame me, those things are pure evil.

Hating spiders but loving spiderman is very interesting. Any of you feeling the same?

I wonder what's going to happen next. How will Conner react when Gemma tells him. Or will she tell him?

I'm not sure.


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