Chapter 17

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Gemma's POV

As I searched through the closet, I mentally thanked the witch who have me my voice back. I don't know how I know but she made it easier for me to talk. That spark of confidence I have not had in a long time.

For my outfit, I decided to wear a black and white checked shirt, dark jeans damaged at the knees, a pair of black sneakers, two large black bangles an a beanie over my hair.

For my outfit, I decided to wear a black and white checked shirt, dark jeans damaged at the knees, a pair of black sneakers, two large black bangles an a beanie over my hair

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I walked down the stairs to the kitchen and decided to make pancakes for everyone.

Grabbing an apron, I put it on and started mixing the ingredients. I grabbed my phone and put on my Taylor Swift playlist. The first song on was Shake it off!

I hummed the song as I made the pancakes, lost in my own little world. I loved baking and cooking, I always forgot everything around me and only focused on the ingredients that needed to be tended to.

I cut up some fruit and set them in a large bowl, setting the table, I mind linked the others to come for breakfast. It was weird using the pack link. Opening my mind for strangers but I guess I have to make some sacrifices as luna.

Now that I think about it, I needed to fully join the pack as Luna soon. I just didn't know how to bring it up around Conner.

Soon, everyone (Ash, Eve, Jace, Caroline, Jenny, Conner) came to the kitchen, throwing me confusing and concerned glances. I just rolled my eyes.

"Good morning." I said.

They all mumbled a series of yeah's and mornings. I set breakfast in front of all of them and they dug in.

I cleaned up and sat on the table with them, taking my coffee mug in my hands.

"Guys, I have something to tell you." I whispered. They all stopped eating.

So I started. I told them everything I told Conner. There were lots and lots of growls. Eve had lightning covering her body, Car has fire in her hair, Ash was controlling some appliances while Jace's body became metal every now and then.

Jenny, well, she looked like she was about to shift and kill anything near her.

"Those assholes." She growled.

"How can someone be so heartless?" Car asked tears in her eyes.

"Wow." Ash said.

"They are worse than stale food. And to me that's saying a lot." Eve said.

Jace just grunted. I swear I have never seen him smile.

"Guys it's fine. I'm done with all that. I have all of you." I said smiling.

"Awww." The girls cooed. I rolled my eyes.

"The pack is going to love you. We should go shopping for the dress your wearing to the Luna ceremony." Jenny said.

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