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We were equipped with our rifles, helmets and heavy boots as we sat in the van that was driving us to the trenches.

My palms were sweating and I was biting the inside of my cheek with force. I couldn't have been more nervous and I never will be.

What I'm about to witness is going to be a roller coaster for sure. Four of my best friends are going to be at war with me, that means there could be a chance that one of us could get injured, scarred, hurt, or could even possibly die. I shivered at the thought.

I looked across at the five other people that were in the van with me, taking in their facial expressions. Zayn, Liam, Harry, Josh and Niall were all worried, yet I could swear I could see a slight glimpse of regret in Harry's eyes.

As if mirroring my thoughts, Harry spoke outloud; "I regret ever signing up for this death trap."

Josh gasped and his face snapped over to Harry's, who was frowning whilst biting down on his lower lip vigorously.

"I'm going to die out there, no doubt" Liam sighed shakily. "I barely have any experience."

I let out a low chuckle. "My experience is target practice with my uncle."

Liam, Josh and even Harry were smiling ever so slightly now. Niall and Zayn just sat there, mirroring each other. Both of their faces were dull and bored, their mouths both pressed into sharp lines. The only thing that differed between the two of them was the fact that Niall was staring at me with cold eyes, whereas Zayn was looking out of the back of the truck with a distant look in his eyes. It reminded me of mum's face on the day that dad left, eight years ago.


Stan and I ran down the road grinning, our hair being swept back in the wind as we raced to my house. My little feet hit the ground making a constant rythmn on the cold pavement below.

"Hurry up Lou!" Stan laughed as I doubled over from shortage of breath. I waved him off, signalling for him to go straight ahead. From the corner of my eye I saw him shrug to himself and continue running.

I'm not very good at running, I always get tired after about 70 metres. My teacher Mrs Hall said it's because I don't try hard enough in PE. But when am I going to need to be active in the future?

Remembering that I was alone on the streets whilst Stan was beating me home, I recomposed myself and started running again. Tears brimmed in the bottom of my pale blue eyes as I fought against the harsh winter wind that was nipping against my high cheek bones.

I swear I was about to pass out just as I reached my door and I grinned at my thought. Stan would be so worried.

My grin dropped as I saw Stan sitting on the porch doorstep with a scared expression, his shirt was crumbled as if he'd been picked up by the collar and his face was tear strained. I immediately ran over to him, suddenly not caring about the burning sensation in my throat. I knelt down to his fragile, shaking body and gently tapped him on the arm

"Stan, what's wrong?" I urged, pulling my best friend into a hug.

He looked up into my blue eyes, his green eyes full of pain and fear. What he done next shocked me. He pushed me away from him and scowled, his eyes still puffy from crying.

His voice was low and dark when he spoke the words I'd never thought I'd hear my best friend say.

"Your dad hit me again."

With that he pulled up his sleeve and showed me a bright red mark, it looked painful and you could already see it was starting to turn purple.

"St-Stan I'm so s-" I cut myself off as I noticed tears were starting to form in his eyes again.

"You broke your promise Louis" he snapped, getting up and starting to walk off. He turned around and forced eye contact before saying three dreaded words; "I hate you."

That's when I started crying. I couldn't believe it had happened again. My dad had hit Stan once before and he cried for hours because of it. I promised him that it would never happen again, that I wouldn't let it. Stan means everything to me, he's my best friend and he has been for years. We grew up together, and now he's gone.

Anger flooded through my veins and I shot up from my spot. This was all my dad's fault. If he hadn't of been an abusive father none of this never would of happened. If he didn't drink all the time me and Stan would still be friends. If he didn't do drugs all the time then maybe he'd be able to see what havoc he's caused his so-called loved ones.

I burst through the front door just in time to see my dad storm out of the back door with his bag slung over his shoulder. He was walking like a zombie and he held a booze bottle in his hand.

My heart sank but at the same time was beating like a humming-bird. I ran to the living-room in search for my mother, only to find she wasn't in there. I searched the entire downstairs; still no luck.

I sprinted to the staircase of our house, panicking in every way possible.

"MUM?!" I screamed, running like a mad-man up the stairs. My hand slid across the banister as I darted past the rooms, looking into each one in hope of seeing my mother.

I got to my parents bedroom and practically lept in, sighing in relief and exhaustion at the sight of my mother sitting on the window seat.

My parents room was twice the size of my room and it looked a lot more expensive than the girls and mine put together. The walls were a nice light blue colour and the furniture was white and extremely detailed. The king-sized bed rested against the right-hand wall and the curtains hung neatly around the window-frame. My worn-out converse trainers squeaked against the wooden floor as I padded in slowly.

I was afraid.

I don't know what of, but I was afraid of something. Maybe it was the thought of my family breaking up, or me having no friends at school, or the fact that my mum could easily turn out the same as dad.

Everything was going so fast. I was losing everything and everyone I cared about and I didn't like it. I had my sisters and mum, but without Stan or dad, I didn't really have anyone to look up to as a role-model. Does this mean I have to be the man of the house now?

I wasn't even aware that I was full-on crying until a warm drop of water slid past my nose, tickling it. I crinkled my nose and slowly sat down next to mum on the window seat.

I'll never forget the look she had on her face as I watched her glare out of the window with such regret and loss clouding her eyes. Her skin was pale and her normally full lips were pressed firmly into a harsh line.

Little did I know; my mum would never be the same again.



Hope 2012 was a great year for you all, and sorry for the long wait for an update. But it's here now so meh!

Can you believe Zayn, Liam and Niall are gonna be 20 soon? D: My babies are growing up too fast</3

Thoughts on this chapter?:)

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