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I am now officially 13 :)


long-ish chapter - about 2 pages I think x


I was fifteen at the beginning of that magical year. When we met, the tower in the distance was bathed in crimson light. That one encounter changed my lonely world in ways I never could have imagined. The brief moment we shared transformed me from my very core. Even now, I remember it like it was just yesterday.

The cold, chilly air was the last vestige of winter. His feathery hair fluttering in the breeze. The big, silver moon. It was bliss.

I had found him, alone and stranded, singing to the moon. His porcelain coloured skin was shining under the soft moon's light. A beautiful flow of words falling from his lips.

"Oh round white moon,

Oh how beautiful your light is tonight.

How truly precious you can be.

I look into your eyes,

And softly touch your hand.

Farewell love..."

I had cut him off by standing on a leaf, breaking the silence of his gorgeous singing.

"Huh?" He spoke, turning to face me with beautiful, blue orbs. "Who's there?"

I remained silent, watching as he looked around frantically and slipped from his place in the tree, loosing his balance from the surprise. He fell quickly from his place in the large oak tree and I sprinted towards him, hoping he was alright. He lay lifeless on the ground as I approached him. His lips were slightly parted, possibly letting air escape and enter. Yet there was no sign of either of those movements.

My eyes trailed across his body. He was poorly dressed, to say the least. He looked as if he had come from a low class family. Maybe he had taken a stroll and had gotten side-tracked.

"Are you okay?" I breathed, urging the boy to talk. There was no response which worried me.

I reached out with my shaky hand, cupping the boys cheek and rubbing it with my thumb. So soft.

His eyes opened, once more revealing the two gorgeous orbs. My hand flew back as he sat up, face still blank but with panic written all over his eyes.

He made a mumbling type of noise, before locking eyes with my dull blue ones. "...You touched me."

I gulped, unable to respond as I would just stutter.

He rose, his body towering over mine. "I don't know you" he continued, with a sharp edge in his voice.

I attempted to rise too, feeling intimidated by the sudden power the boy had summoned.


Alas, it was too late. He was running away, and into the forest.

I sat in the silence, kneeling down as I registered what had just happened. I kept replaying the terrified look he gave me as he opened his eyes, my hand on his cheek.

He was afraid of me.

On my journey through the world, all the people I thought I saw, slipped away like they were just a mirage. But that boy... His cheek was warm to my touch and I felt tingles spring to my finger tips when I touched him.

I continued searching for him after. I am still looking now.

The sky is red. It must be dawn. This is the time of the day when the sun is below the horizon. Sunlight bounces off particles in the upper atmosphere and scatters, causing the phenomenon of a colorful sky. With today's strong winds, more particles must have been kicked up to result in the exceptionally deep red we perceive now. It's stunning. Just beautiful.

I looked over to my blond haired sister, Lottie and spoke quietly. "Can I ask you something?"

Silence dawned over us as I awaited his answer. I could hear the soft waves of the sea in front of us, crashing against one another. He nodded curiously.

"Before... I saw a blond haired boy... He's Irish... Have you seen him around these parts lately?" I asked, hopeful.

Lottie thought for a moment, looking up into the sky, just like the boy had.

"A blond haired boy... Irish, you say?" She paused for a moment, seeming unsure. "I might have... Did he have blue eyes?"

I nodded maybe a little too enthusiastically. "You know him?"

Lottie broke out into a small smile. "Yes! I mean... no" her smile dropped as if she were remembering something she had forgotten.

"Which is it?"

She sighed, standing up and dusting off her leggings. "Come on Lou, ma's going to be waiting."

And with that, she was off.

I never did get my answer.

I groaned, sinking back into my seat. Why was I suddenly thinking about that boy now? Even with his unforgettable accent, memorable blue eyes and that angelic voice, I'd never thought of him until now. Yet, as I think at this very moment, I can hear the song playing faintly in my mind. I softly sing the lyrics I can recall, letting my head loll back into the top of the chair but staring straight ahead.

"Oh round white moon,

Oh how beautiful your light is tonight.

How truly precious you can be.

I look into your eyes,

And softly touch your hand.

Farewell love..."

I stop at this point, feeling exhausted from all this memory regathering. Somehow, I cannot remember the remainder of the lyrics, which makes my heart drop.

If only I could see the blond haired boy once more. Maybe then this hole will be filled, a question answered. What was that question? I have yet to find out.

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