Lex was trying to hook the alien queen onto the falling water tower while it was still attempting to get Scars combi-stick out of her snout. Scar ran up to Lex and started pulling the chain to help Lex, Lex quickly tied the chain onto the water-tower.
"GOT IT!" she yelled as the queen knocked the combi-stick out of her snout.
Scar turned to look at her, just then the water-tower stoped falling
'what happened?' Lex thought looking at the water tower.
she looked back at Scar and saw the queen behind him with her tail shooting towords his back.
"LOOK OUT!" Lex shouted,
Scar quickly turned around and cut off the queens spear-tail with his wrist-blades. the queen let out an ear pitching screetch as Lex grabbed a nearby shovel and broke the screw that was keeping the water-tower from falling, lex and scar stood and watched as the water tower plunged into the icy cold water, dragging the injured alien queen with it.
Lex slowly turned around to look at Scar, he tilted his head down so he could meet her eyes Scar put his hand on Lex's cheek where he had given her 'the mark'
Lex smiled and said; "your welcome."
Lex could see somthing appear on her right, she quickly turned making scar take his hand away from her cheek, she saw a elder predator appear along with several other predators and a large space craft. Lex's heart began to race, she saw what the other predators had done to her friends she was afraid of what they would do to her. Scar walked up to the elder predator and staired at him for a while then made a few clicking sounds the elder turned and looked at lex while tilting his head in curiosity. Lex's heart was beating faster then ever feeling like it would break her rib-cage as a chestburster would.
The elder turned back to Scar and nodded his head while making low clicking sounds, Scar walked over to Lex and put his hand on her back and pushed her forwerd trying to make her walk, Lex looked at Scar with a worried look on her face Scar looked down and gave her a 'its gonna be ok' look. Lex trusted Scar so she walked beside Scar into the space craft but right before she got inside everything went black she fainted.
Predator Translation:
Scar: Elder I know it is agenst yautja rules to bring another life form onto the ship, but this Ooman has killed two aliens along with the queen and i seem to have grown...fawn of this creature. I would like to bring her with us....just for a while im sure you will be glad we brought her.
Elder: hmmmmm....fine im sure we can find some use for this.....human