Another couple surprises

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"NO!!" Lex yelled as she pushed the knife away

Lex hit Zabins arm causeing him to drop the knife. Lex whiped the blood from her neck and saw that it was a glowing green colour, she ignored it and hit Zabin in the throught.With Zabin lieing on the ground in pain Lex walked over to An'ut, Karnak, H'dlak, Jahdin and Scar as she held her neck to try and stop beeding as much as possible. Lex touched a pad that relesed them.

"Lex...." Scar said walking slowly towords her,

Scar limped a bit and was slightly out of breath as he walked towords her. The poisonous gas was stuck in his lungs as well as the others.

"H-H'dlak I-I see a lab down the hall w-we should make the cure QUICKLY! T-The gas w-will kill us if we dont clear out the gas from our lungs" Jahdin weezed

"A-already on it" H'dlak said already limping towords the hall.

An'ut, Karnak and Jehdin slowly walked after her and as they disappered into a room Zabin stood up. But for some reason....he was laughing.

Lex held Scars hand as she leaned against him. Scar wrapped his arm around her as he shot a threatning galre at Zabin still laughing.

"Whats so funny?" Scar growled

"Whats that..your all going to die..." Zabin giggled

Lex and Scar looked at each other confused. Scar began to sway with dizziness.

"How? Jehdin and H'dlak are working on the cure right now...and I know them well enough know that there probobly done the cure now....And how would I die? You dident drag me through the marsh." Lex said confused walking towords Zabin leaving Scar behind her.

Lex was right, Jahdin and H'dlak finished the cure already. It actually wasent that hard, all they had to do was make a concosion that was like water, and that went to your lungs. (and Zabin already had a few made already XD )

Jedin and H'dlak helped Karnak first since he is after all the elder, next An'ut and then themselves now all they had to do was give the last one to Scar...But they had been locked inside.

"Well, your friends are locked in the room, the lava is rising quickly and since I want to see you two die.."

Zabin was inturupted when a large Xenomorph broke through the wall behing him. This xenomorph was diffrent though...It had six arms, two tails and it's skin was a dark blue colour. It was about twenty feet tall and ten feet long.

"I will let my latest experamint take care of you...although it looks like your friend over there has already bit the dust." Zabin finished with a smile on his face.


Lex quickly tuned around and gasped to see Scar on the floor lieing on his back.

"SCAR!!!" Lex yelled as she ran to his side

Scar looked at her faintly one last time before saying...

"I-I love you to.....Lex"

Scar closed his eyes,

"S-Scar?!.....SCAR?!?!?" Lex yelled as the mutant xenomorph moved closer to its prey,

With the lave quckly rising, An'ut Karnak Jehdin and H'dlak trapped in a far room, A mutant alien closing in and Zabin laughing his evil scientist laugh it seemed like it was all over....

"Scar.." Lex cried

she leaned in and embraced him in her arms as she whisperd

"you cant leave me.."

(A/N: Karnak and An'ut belong to separate friends of mine on DA)

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