Chapter 3 ~ Hospital

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⚠️TW⚠️ this scene includes violence so if you're sensitive towards it please skip until you see this ~ ✨ end of TW ✨

~Dabi's POV~

That stupid blonde all of a sudden jumped forward and went for an attack, luckily my reflexes are amazing and I was able to dodge him, I slowly turned around to face him once more, I lunged forwards and managed to grab hold of his shirt I pulled him in and whispered into his ear,  "Now listen closely, I'm going to let you live this time because I don't like seeing my love upset and I know that if I killed you she would be upset and seek revenge, but that doesn't mean I cant hurt you, really, really bad and give you this warning.... back off from Y/N she is mine and mine alone I will not share with anyone else, have I made myself clear ",
I stood back to study his face and he looked pissed "NO YOU LISTEN TO ME CLOSELY I WILL NOT BACK OFF, I LOVE Y/N AND I WILL NOT LET YOU HAVE HER VILLAIN!"
he screamed as he wen too attack, that's it I gave him a warning if he wont listen I guess I will just have to teach him a lesson.

I jumped up into a tree above him and then jumped behind him, grabbing him by the back of his neck and slowly tightened my hand, I felt him wriggle around in my grip I then started to activate my quirk and started to heat my hand up and leave burn marks on the back of his neck, he started to scream and activate his quirk causing explosions to come out of his hands, I dropped him not wanting to get hit , he fell to the floor coughing and gasping for breath, he seemed to have forgotten about me for a second just happy to be able to breath again so I went behind him and kicked him in the stomach making him cough up some blood, he lay flat of the floor so I sat down on his back and grabbed him by his hair and started to bash his head against the ground, I broke his nose and could see the blood pooling around his face, I'm pretty sure I slammed his head into a rock cause there was a cut on his forehead as well, when he tried to stand up again I kicked him back down and stood on his chest pushing all my body weight down onto his chest, I then felt a and heard a crack, I had just broken his ribs, I kept stomping down he started gasping for air...... I had just punctured his lungs perfect however just as I was about to stomp down again I heard people coming closer, it was Y/N and the pros, the kid was passed out beneath me and would probably die anyway and I didn't want my love seeing me like this so I fled away quickly and called Kurogiri to come pick me up quickly. 

✨ End of TW✨

~Y/Ns POV~

I quickly ran to go get the pros and once I had got them I led them back to the park as quickly as I could, however when we got there the trees had already burnt down and Bakugo was just lying there on the floor, shit why did I leave him alone I should have been here with him to help, as I walked closer to him I could feel myself tearing up and he came into focus, he had blood running down is face and he had bruises on his neck and face plus some on his face, he was passed out of the floor, I called the pros over quickly so we could get to a hospital quickly, "you better not die on me Katsuki I need you, please don't leave me",
I started to cry when I noticed he was struggling to breath, were his lungs punctured?? shit we need to hurry up, the pros noticed and told they would meet me at the hospital and ran off quickly, I stood there for a second before I fell to the floor crying, why would anyone do this, I cried for a few minutes before running off to see Katsuki.

When I finally arrived and got to his room the pros had told me he didn't die, I was so happy that tears of joy started to fall from my eyes as I let out a sigh of relief, that was until I looked around and saw the look in the pros eyes telling me there was something else... my joy suddenly faded and I couldn't hear anything else they said, I rushed into Katsukis room seeing all the tubes and wires attached to him... they weren't lying he really was in a coma, I fell to the floor once again crying, I asked how long he would be in a coma for they told me they didn't know, it could be for weeks but it could also be for years, that was it, I broke down on the floor crying my eyes out, I couldn't hear the voices around me and I didn't want to, I just curled into a ball and wanted to wake up and find out this was just a nightmare but no matter how much I wanted to I knew this was reality, I had failed to protect him, I had failed as his best friend, I sat on the chair nest to him and grabbed his had as I cried I just sat there. 

I guess I must have passed out from exhaustion because I woke up in the chair, I felt numb like my emotions had switched off, I didn't want to talk to anyone or see anyone, so I left the hospital, it was the next day, I had stayed next to him all night but I didn't care, I then saw the rest of class 1A walking towards me, they were here to visit Katsuki, as soon as they saw me they ran towards me tackling me into a massive group hug but I didn't hug back I just stood there not saying anything, I didn't deserve their pity it wasn't me the got hurt it was Katsuki, I pushed them off of me and walked off not saying anything I didn't want to face them after knowing I had failed Katsuki, I heard them shouting after me but I ignored them and just kept on walking home. 

~Dabi's POV~ 

I watched as Y/N left the hospital, why was she upset if anything I did her a favour getting rid of the annoying brat he wasn't good for only I am, seeing her so upset over him made me so angry, she shouldn't care about him, he doesn't deserve her attention only I do, as soon as she is mine I think she might need punishment for this and since the brat is only in a coma I think that I have the perfect punishment for her as soon as he has woken up, I'm just hoping he doesn't remember its me the hurt him, maybe I should get one of those forgetting potion or whatever they are called just in case cause no only when he wakes up will he forget all about Y/N but it will also give me the perfect opportunity to punish her for her actions. 

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