Author's P.O.V
"How is it there?" Xinyi asked. "It's really fun here, how about you? How is it there?" Renyu asked. "It's really nice and fun here" Xinyi answered with a smile. "What ya doing there ge?" Xinyi asked.
"Were currently resting. Finale ranking are coming out soon" Renyu answered. "Wow, good luck ge!" Xinyi said. "Xièxiè, but I'm still really nervous. Everyone here is really good. And only 14 trainees could join the Finale" Renyu answered.
"I'm sure you'll make it" Xinyi said. "What if I don't?" Renyu asked. "Then try again. There's no harm in trying again, but I'm sure you'll make it" Xinyi said. "Ahh, I'm really nervous" Renyu said.
"You can do it, I'm sure you can ge" Xinyi said. "Yes, you too, Let's debut together" Renyu said. "Yes, we should" Xinyi said. "You should rest now, goodnight ge!" Xinyi said. "You too, goodnight Xinyi" Renyu said.
"Okie bye bye, take care!" Xinyi said and the call ended. Then she called her parents. "wèi" Her mom said. "Māmā (Mom)" Xinyi said. "Xinyi?!" Her mom said and she could hear her brother and dad rushing over.
"Jiějiě (sister)!" Her little brother, Yanchen said. "How are you there?" Xinyi asked. "Were good how about you?" Xinyi's dad said. "I'm good, I miss you all" Xinyi said. "We miss you too! Your grandparents are here" Her mom said.
"Oh Xinyi" An old man's voice said. "Grandpa, how are you?" Xinyi asked. "I'm good, still handsome as ever" Her grandpa said. Xinyi then giggled. "That's great" Xinyi said. "We watched your performances, you're so great!" Her grandmother said.
"Are you eating well?" Her other grandpa asked. "Yes I am grandpa" Xinyi answered. "Aiyaa, Xinyi-ah don't tire yourself, stay healthy there okay?" Her other grandma said. "Yes grandma I will" Xinyi said.
"Jiějiě (Sister), can I have your RJ pillow?" Her brother asked. Xinyi giggled and said "No you can't". "Aww... then can you get me BTS' autograph?" Her little brother asked. 'Okay, I'll get you one when I meet them again" Xinyi said.
"Yay! Wǒ ài nǐ jiějiě (I love you sister)" Her little brother said. "Yeah, I love you too" Xinyi said. "Aiyaa, you should rest now Xinyi" Her mom said. "Yes, I will mom" Xinyi said. "Take care Xinyi!" Her dad said.
"I will, take care too!" Xinyi said and the call ended. Xinyi then smiled to herself and went to their room. She opened the door seeing no one so she just laid in her bed. Xinyi just hugged her stuffed dolls and smiled after hearing the voices she hadn't heard for a long time.
The trainees headed to their own rooms right after they had breakfast. The trainees got ready and went to their dance practice rooms. The trainees then started practicing. They've got a few days left before the performance.
The trainees thought of the performance as their last chance to be able to join the final line up who would be able to have a chance to debut. Everyone was eager to be able to debut that's why they all practiced really hard.
The trainees got up early for the rehearsals. Flame on unit went on first to be followed by Chamber 5, Icy and Badboy team. Sungdeuk and Doobu were there helping the trainees with the rehearsals.
They gave them advises that might help them get a higher score. The I-landers listened carefully and followed the advises from Sungdeuk and Doobu. The I-landers then went back to I-land and waited.
A few minutes before the performance the I-landers gathered in I-land and cheered up each other while the other trainees warmed up for the performance. Then the I-landers were told to sit down since the 3rd performance was about to begin.
Later on the top 7 I-landers were told to but their badges back. Then the performance started. "The first team who will perform is... Chamber 5 unit" Goongmin said. The I-landers then wished them good luck.
The Chamber 5 unit then got ready and went to the gate. Chamber 5 team then introduced themselves and the producer asked them some questions. Later on the I-lander's performance started.
The I-landers and producers clapped their hands. The producers then gave their opinions to the Chamber 5 team. After that they were sent back to I-land and Badboy unit was called next. The I-landers then cheered up on Badboy unit.
The Badboy unit then entered the gate as the I-landers continued cheering them up. The Badboy unit then introduced themselves and the producers asked them some questions. After the questions the Badboy unit went to their positions and got ready.
The I-landers and producers then clapped their hands. Then the producers gave their opinions to Badboy unit. Badboy unit then bowed down and went back to I-land. Xinyi hugged her members and congratulated them.
The I-landers then congratulated them. Next flame on unit was called to the stage. The I-landers cheered on them as they got ready and went to the gate. The producers asked them some questions and then their performance started.
The I-landers then clapped their hands so did the producers. The producers then gave their opinions and the Flame on unit thanked them. Then they were sent back to I-land where the I-landers congratulated them.
Then the last unit, Icy unit was then called to go the stage. The I-lander bid them good luck as then got ready and went to the gate. They entered the stage area and introduced themselves. The producers asked them some questions and then their performance started.
The I-landers and producers clapped their hands as Icy unit bowed down. The producers then gave their opinions to the performance. The Icy unit thanked them and they went back to I-land.
The I-landers welcomed them and congratulated them. The I-landers comforted the other I-landers who were feeling anxious with their performance. "In 30 minutes, we will announce the third round survivors of part 2" The voice said.
The I-landers nodded and went back to their rooms. The I-landers then packed their things and got ready. They were nervous since it would be the last elimination before the final round, yet they comforted each other and cheered them up.
Note: Sorry for the late update, hope you like it! Don't forget to vote! Thank you!

أدب المراهقين23 girls and 23 boys came to reach their dreams. "Run for your heart, run for your life"