Chapter 10

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Crystal took aim and pulled the trigger

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Crystal took aim and pulled the trigger.
Shooting was a pleasant activity against her anxiety.
She could imagine some faces instead of those paper targets.

With the corner of her eyes, she spotted some movement.
She turned, aiming her gun in front of her.

Promptly Neil ducked and raised his hands to surrender.
She lowered her gun and removed her earmuffs.

"Whoa, be careful with that" he warned, keeping his distance.

She grinned and loaded her gun "Are you already leaving?".

"No, I leave tomorrow" he moved carefully "Why did you leave last night without saying anything?".

Crystal crossed his quizzical look and shrugged "I didn't leave at night. I didn't want to wake you up, so I left early this morning. I needed this".

She aimed at the targets again and fired a couple of time.

"Did I do something wrong?" he questioned, stopping at her back.

If he dared to touch her in that delicate moment, she risked to fire at his hands.
"No, of course not. Everything very enjoyable as always" she turned to cross his perplexed face "It's not you. I'm just upset because you join another mission and I have to wait here. I hate waiting".

"It's just for a couple of days. Our boss wants my help because of my burglar skills. And I prefer knowing that you are safe here".

She scoffed at his bad attempt to comfort her "How can I be safe without you? And how can you be safe if I'm not there to save you?".

Neil grinned and tried to touch her tied hair, but she moved away with an upset glare "My heart is always with you. And I thought you were looking forward to a holiday away from me".

She scowled at him "Sometimes your presence is annoying even for me. But it doesn't mean that I want to stay away from you for more than a couple of hours. Take care while you're away".

"It won't be too hard. All I'll be doing is testing some security systems and I'll be thinking about you and how I need another warm swim with you when I'll be back" he grinned cheekily at her and she couldn't resist at it.
Her mind recalled their pleasant swims, the hot nights, the dreamy moments.

"You can be irritating" she hissed to get out of that awkward moment and focused on her gun again.

"Have you ever tried this?" he teased, showing a tennis ball and throwing it up to the air.

She watched it flying, mesmerized by the target.
"Again" she said, getting ready.

He picked another ball and threw it.
She fired but missed it.
"Again" she demanded, but although her aim improved, she didn't manage to hit the balls as they were flying.

Neil hesitated in front of her obstinacy "It's not easy. Don't take it too seriously".

She felt anger boiling in her veins "I practiced with this and I was even good... It's just been some years that I didn't practice".

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