Chapter 43: Redemption 3

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Will got hit in the bicep by a stray bullet,causing him to fall onto the ground.

2 more people were killed ,including,Sally,the lady who got infected before.

"They are getting closer!"Norris shouted.

Norris didn't see the creature that burst through the wall to his left.

They finally saw VILE.

VILE looked like a praying mantis,but with 8 limbs.It also had an enlarged mouth.

VILE Picked up the doctor and ripped the man in two.

Norris' upper half looked at Everyone and then succumbed to his wounds.

"Retreat !"Lula yelled.

Lula,Phil,Will,and a dozen others ran down a hallway to a room.

Phil saw a woman who got stabbed by VILE with its pincher.

She died instantly.

"Phil!Come on!"Will said,clutching his arm.

Lula was next to him.

"I have an Idea.Lock the door."Phil said.

"Are you sure about this?"Will asked.

Phil didn't reply but he instead slammed the door.

VILE ran closer and closer,with each step he grew more and more horrifying.

Phil shot his Assault Rifle off and then ran down the hallway,successfully drawing the monster away.

Phil ran down the many hallways.




Phil ran up a set of stairs and waited at the top for VILE to follow him.

VILE ran up the stairs and Phil ran to the charred hole and leaped away right as VILE leaped to kill him.

VILE landed on the ground and immediately started to attack the PALS.

Phil's plan had worked.

He had always planned ahead.

The Boss shouted at VILE,as it tore through 5 of his men.

The screams and bullets filled the air like Church bells at a wedding.

VILE looked at its master but turned away from him to attack more of his men.

One PAL grew tired of seeing his comrades die,so he used his rocked launcher to kill the creature.S
With one screech,VILE was gone.

The Boss sprinted to the man and pushed him to the ground.

The Boss screamed and slammed his foot down onto the mans skull repeatedly until there was only a bloody pulp left on the pavement.

The laughed and screamed while he did it,and he wouldn't have stopped if it wasn't for Phil.

Phil took aim and shot The Boss in the chest.

The Boss screamed as he crumpled to the ground.

He used his fingers to pull out the bullet.

He crawled away to the truck and lifted himself into the trunk.

There the boss laughed with insanity.

The Boss had snapped.

He looked up at the red fog he had created .

2 PALS got In the front seat,and they drove away.

The Boss smiled as the truck disappeared into the fog.

Zane and Killmore continued their fight.

Their blood covered the parking lot,and yet,both still stood.

Zane looked the worst.

He had already gotten beaten by Killmore before but he looked way worse then.His blood had covered his whole face.Even his beard had been soaked.

He couldn't fight any longer.

Zane lost his balance and fell on his back.

Killmore jumped onto Zane and started to choke the boy.

"You know,I kind of liked you."Killmore said.

Zanes face started to turn purple,when the weight of Killmore was lifted off of him by a person.

Robert had pushed Killmore away.

Robert helped Zane to his feet and they looked at Killmore.

Killmore had started to raise his gun,when Robert quickly drew his.

Killmore was down withing a second.

The bullet peirced his chest.

Killmore was gone.

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