Chapter 1

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"Seeyou in two weeks" we said.

"We'llmeet again" we said.

Andsix months later...

Well,here we are.

ButI am getting ahead of myself.

Ona cold New Year's Eve, everyone wished for a better year than 2019.Many parties were held. What we did not know is that for some of us,that would be the last party we would attend.

Asthe countdown approached, our teenagers, otherwise known as thegeneration who will change the world, did not know what the new yearhad in store for them, and how they would be joined as a union.

Celebratingall the ups and downs of 2019 as everyone partied. All the smiling,most likely drunk faces would turn fearful. But I am probably making2020 sound like a horror film compared to what it was, because theyear did have its ups as well as downs.

Backin the simpler times of December 2019, a rumoured virus outbreak hadbeen found due to a leak in a lab in China, but they apparently hadit under control, spoiler alert...they did not.

Andfinally, the countdown until 2020 started.


Weall were in excitement.


Everyonewas buzzing, questioning what the new year would bring.


Allthe good and the evil from 2019 was fading away.


Newyear New me, right?


Themusic had now slowed, everyone came together.


Itwas coming to an end.


Soclose, yet it felt so far.


Itwas getting real now.


Goodbye,2019. You will (eventually) be missed.


andthat was that. Happy new year!


Justlike that, we had entered 2020.

InJune 2019 Australia had minor bush fires which slowly got worse, andby 2020, well that was the first downfall that set off (quiteliterally) this horrid year.

Ina small part of Australia, Lucas and Elise were packing their things,ready to move. They knew that the bush fires would come very soon, sothey needed to flee, very quickly.

"Elise!Can you hurry up?" Mrs Smith called from the other room.

She was trying to packas many things as she could.

"No need! We can'tjust flee the country" Mr Smith yelled, with no stuff packed.

"Then you can stayhere and burn can't you? I'm taking the children and we are leaving!Are you coming?" Mrs Smith yelled back.

They'dbeen fighting for ages. Mr Smith didn't think they were allowed toleave.

"Stupidisn't it?" Lucas (her brother) whispered, walking in.

Hepicked up one of her oversized shirts and examined it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2021 ⏰

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