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I don't ever tell you how I really feel
'Cause I can't find the words to say what I mean
And nothing's ever easy
That's what they say

I know I'm not your only
But I'll still be a fool
'Cause I'm a fool for you

"Okay, you need to stop this." Niall said and sat down on the bed.

Harry looked up with red, puffy eyes. He had spent the weekend in bed crying while Louis had spent the weekend at Eleanor's.

"Just leave me alone Ni." Harry whined.

"No. Get up. Take a shower and get dressed. I'm taking you out." Niall said and pulled the cover off him.

Harry sighed but sat up. Niall was the only one who knew how he felt about Louis. He had figured it out and confronted him about it a while back. He was a great friend but right now Harry just wanted him to leave him alone so he could continue to dwell in self-pity. He knew that Niall wouldn't let him so he might just do as he was told to spare himself hours of nagging.
Niall could be consistent.

He took a quick shower and got dressed. Niall pushed him against the front door. He climbed into Niall's car and he drove them to a nearby hamburger joint. They walked inside and placed an order and found a booth.
"You have two options." Niall said and took a bite of his burger.

"Okay, what's option number one?" Harry asked and started to eat as well.

"You tell Louis that you're madly in love with him." Niall said.

"Nope. Option number two?" Harry sighed.

"You try to move on." Niall said.

Harry slumped down in his seat. How the hell would he manage to get over Louis?
"How do you suggest I do that?"

Niall shrugged his shoulders.
"Don't take this the wrong way mate but you've been kind of Louis obsessed. You have to find things that you like to do, new interests. Live your own life. Yeah, and you need to start dating."

"Dating?" Harry screeched.

"Yeah. As a matter of fact, my friend Maddie would love to go on a date with you. She thinks you're hot." Niall grinned.

"I don't know Ni." Harry hesitated.

"Come on! What do you got to lose? Take her out on a date!" Niall answered.

"Fine." Harry grunted.

"Great! I'll set it up." Niall grinned.

Niall called later that evening to confirm a date on Wednesday. Harry didn't want to go but Niall was right. He had to fall out of love with Louis. Maybe the right person was out there waiting for him?

He went to his classes on Monday and before he knew it, Wednesday had arrived. He had hardly seen Louis at all. He spent all of his free time at Eleanor's. He missed him.

He was surprised to find him sitting in the living room when he came out from his bedroom dressed for his date.
"Looking good Haz. What's the occasion?" Louis grinned.

"I have a date." Harry informed him.

Louis wrinkled his eyebrows.
"A date? Really? Who's the lucky lady?"

"Ehm, Maddie, Niall's friend." Harry answered.

"That blonde girl with the funny laugh? Why? She's not right for you." Louis huffed.

"How will I know that if I don't give her a chance? Gotta go. Bye Lou." Harry said and headed to his car.

Louis had been right. The date had been a bust but at least he put himself out there. Louis was cranky when he got back home, but they ended up watching a movie together, cuddled up on the couch just like they used to pre-Eleanor.  

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