chapter 8

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Manik was so restless about his marriage he was not sure about

His dad had convinced him saying that anyway it was going to happen little earlier doesn't matter

His mom was totally against it she was very angry on her husband

On the other side nandhini also disappointed with the arrangements

Raj was too guilty and he called his mom saying nothing so he can open it when she is here

Here soha and her dad was so happy

They made arrangements for the marriage and the pre rituals

Everything went smoothly except manik behaviour

Raj did know about manik he was caring and kind but when gets anger it was like thousands explosive on one time he was pushing his son on edge

So he asked nandhu to be beside him through out the marriage because he knows only nandhu can control him

He was also trying to pacify his wife

His mom was also arriving

Nandhini was getting ready for school

Manik dadi entered she was about to slip nandhu helped her

Ranjana manik dadi name

Dadi beta thank you

Dadi came inside nandhini came and gave water for her

And started making coffee that time Raj and nyo came seeing dadi they got nervous they dont know where they will start from

Dadi Raj come here she gave him and nyo blessings Raj your choices always made me proud

I like the girl very much

Then nandhu came with tea

Dadi got up and went near her

Here this is my precious thing that my husband present I wanted to give it to my manik wife here wear this

She instantly took the chain with emerald pendant and make nandhini wear it this made everyone shocked

Nandhini who was standing beside her is all sweaty and nervous

She is too young but in our village age difference is common

Manik is a mature person he can handle her in ease besides she is so sweet u see Raj ur dad and me also have huge age difference 10 years between us

Its doesn't matter

Raj and nyo who saw all this were stunned nandhini came up and was about to break the silence manik came in

Manik dadi I missed u he said hugging her and took blessings from her

Dadi I have lots to catch up with u were the only one who cares about me he said eyeing Raj and nyo

I will freshen up and come he saw nandhini who was standing with tea and look on her face manik cupped her face

Manik what happened bacha come u r taking leave today and we will spend some time with dadi

Raj who was stunned got senses he thought speaking infront of nandhu and manik won't be nice so he asked them to go upstairs

Raj maa she was not the one I picked for manik she is my adopted daughter nandhini whom I informed u before four years

Dadi literally got shocked

Manik fiance name is Soha I invited her to dinner tonight she is a very humble and sweet girl u will definitely like her he didn't disclose the marriage matter

Dadi felt sad she couldn't handle it she went to her room without talking to anyone

Then in evening dadi was sitting in the garden

Nandhini dadi I'm nandhini murthy

Dadi looked her in uninterested face and remained to look in the same direction

Dadi I know it's difficult for u but the misunderstanding can be resolved Soha di is a nice girl u will surely like her

Here ur chain u wanted to give it manik wife na

Dadi looked her with amused face

By the way I liked this design so much if u were not said it for manik wife I would have actually kept it with me dada has nice taste

Hearing this dadi laughed

Dadi I wish you to be my manik girl she said smilingly

Nandhini chucked it and went inside

During dinner there was lot of tension around

Soha dad I love to see u here maa it will be the greatest blessings for the children on their marriage

Dadi yes

Raj she loves manik so much

Soha dadi thank u for attending our  marriage

Dadi what marriage I will come again that time now it's engagement

Raj maa we fixed the marriage on that day

This made dadi shocked she felt she never part of this family she felt so hurt she didn't liked Soha but accepted her because Raj was insisting but now she doesn't need here anymore

She immediately stood up and left the place Raj stand up and went beside her manik looked irritated because of these matters

After knocking dadi didn't opened the door  after few minutes she opened

Dadi I'm going back I arranged everything

Raj u just came today pls mom see my side too

Dadi no Raj my presence is not needed here

That time a driver came dadi signalled to keep her luggages in the car without speaking to anyone she was about to go

Nandhini came and hugged her

Dadi bless u beta she kissed her forehead and left

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