Chapter 5

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*Contuine from chapter 4

Spencer POV

I look at you scared and in pain. "I'm not surpised." I cry and Toby grabs my hand "shhh, honey it is all going to be okay, okay? Your sure you want a home birth right?" He looks at me asking as if we could still change it. I look at him "yes" I say knowing this is what I want. He nods "Okay as long are your sure." He says.

Soon my midwife comes, my parents were out of town so sadly my mom wasn't going to be able to make it to the birth, I was really upset about it but I tuely couldn't do anything about it. She comes in with stuff for the birth and looks at me 'How are you doing honey?" she ask and I shurg "It really hurts!" I start to cry again and she rubs the side of my arm "I know but don't worry it will be over before you know it, and me and Toby will be here for it all!" I nod still upset, I ws crying and screaming through each contraction, one my water broke 6 hours in everything got even worse. My mid wife laid towels down and toby had been patting a cold wash cloth on my forehead trying to help keep be cool. My midwife looks at me "How about you try walking around, or bouncing on the excerizing ball maybe able to get you to dialate more." She suggests 18 hours into Labour, and at that time I was was willing to try again to get this over quicker. "Sure.." Toby helps me up and onto the ball and holds my back supporting me I was holding onto the bed as well as I bounce. an hour later she looks at me "Come lay down so we can check." I nod and Toby helps me back to the bed. She checks "Well your about 6cm dialated so you still have a good 4cm to go." I groan when she says that and Toby loves hair out of my face and presses the cold wash cloth against it "Don't worry baby your doing great." He says even thought he was exauseted and just wanted to sleep just like I wanted to.

I was in labour now for about 24 hours when I look at Toby "Can I try walking around to help this go faster?" I ask crying and he nods and helps me up and walks around the room and hall with me holding my hand and back to support me. "Toby why did you let me get pregnant?!" I cry "Spence you wanted to, we both wanted a baby remember?" "No you got me pregnant and are putting me though all this pain this is all your fault!" I scream and cry durning another contaction the midwife hears me yelling at Toby and comes over "okay lets lay back down before you say anything you regret." She says helping Toby help me back down in bed.

About 28 hours in she looks at me "Okay honey it's finally here time to push!" I was so happy and Toby let me have his hand as I get ready to push "Okay.. 1...2...3!" I push as hard as I can screaming, squeezing Toby's hand "Okay I'm starting to see the head, again" I push again and again sweat was all down my face and after a couple minutes I stop when I hear a screaming baby, Toby smiles "She's here!" I smile as she is seat on my belly and Toby cuts the cord. "let me clean her up some." the midwife says wiping her off and then handing her to me when I sit up in bed and toby sits next to me "Awh she is so little!" I say kissing her tiny head. She was born on December 28th at 1:56am 6lbs 7oz

"So what are you guys thinking of naming her?" My midwife asks.. 'Well..." I look at Toby "We have chose Avery Marie." I smile and Toby nods "Yup" She smiles "Awh that is so cute!" "Thank you" I smile and look at Avery

Soon the midwife leaves and Toby looks at us "You look tired" I nod "Very, and very sore.." "I can only imagine, how about I take Avery and you get some rest." "Are you sure?" "Yes I am positive." I slightly smile and hand him Avery, and roll over falling asleep.

Toby POV

I walk around with Avery going into her nursery. She was so tiny and looked like a little Spencer I was in love. So worth everything I had to deal with when Spencer was pregnant. "Hi Avery." I smile looking at her as I sit in the rocking chair in her room. "I am so happy your here." She looks at me and tries to suck on her thumb. "No no." I say taking her finger out I knew Spencer did not want her having that habit as cute as it may be, so I side a binky into her mouth and she sucked on it happily soon falling asleep as I rock the chair, when she does I carefully lie her in her crib and grab the monitor before walking into our room and crawling into bed with Spencer faling asleep.

Authors note: Okay so I know that this was pretty short. only 998 words long I know but I didn't want to drag out the labour too much so that it was boring. I am sorry I haven't updated but things that were keeping me extremely busy are soon going to be not near as often so hopefully I will be able to update this and other chapters a lot more ofter. Also please comment and vote, also tell your friends to read. If any of you are interested in roleplaying which is very similar to these fanfictions then kik me at spencermorgan28 I would love to rp with you all! Thank you


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