Chapter 4

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*Almost 4 months later

Spencer is about 39 weeks Pregnant.

Toby POV

Today is Hanna and Calebs wedding, which is great were going, but I was a little concerned with Spencer, she's almost 9 months pregnant, and most of the time the first time you have a your first baby it comes early according to the books I have been reading, since I have been so nervous to become a dad, but I have been keeping it from Spencer since she is so ready and excited to be a Mother, at least she seems like it. We were getting ready to go, Spencers not standing up in the wedding anymore because it would be a lot for her, and a lot of standing since shes 9 months pregnant. I was sitting in the living room checking emails on my phone waiting her Spencer who was in the bathroom getting ready do go. She walks out putting her earrings in "What do you think?" She says slowly spinning to show me her dress "I think it looks hot." I say and smile and she smiles "Perfect!" "Are you ready to go?" I ask standing up and she nods "As ready as I'm going to be." I help her into the car and we start driving there "How are you feeling today?" I ask concerned "I'm okay I think, My back and feet are killing me, and I didn't sleep much not being able to get comfortable but you know whats new right?" she says and laughs a little. "I guess thats true, I'm sorry baby." "It's not at all your fault." She tell me and I nod "Yes I know but I'm really nervous to go today." "Why?" "I'm just worried about you." "I'll be fine!" She says I nod pulling into the church "Okay yes your probably right, I'm sorry." "It's fine.." she says

We go in and sit down and before we know it the Ceremony starts.

Spencer POV

I have been having stomach pains all day since probably 4am this morning. I decided telling Toby wasn't a good idea he was worrying as is it was a I just figured it was normal since I had have some stomach pains a lot lately. I walk in by the girls Aria and Emily were standing up in the wedding still, I'm a little bummed I can't but I know it's the best. "Spencer!" Hanna comes running up to me and hugs me and I smile "Hi Han! Are you excited?!" She jumps up and down excited "Yesssss! I cannot wait!!" Aria and Emily walk over and smile "Hey Spence hows the baby going?" Emily asks I nod "Not too bad I guess, it's tiring and shes not even here yet, symptoms are crazy." "Oh my god I agree!" Aria buts in and I look at her confused "Aria are you pregnant?!" her eyes got big "Shit that was supposed to stay a secret.." "Wait your pregnant?!" Hanna says and Aria nods "yeah.." "Why is it supposed to be a secret?" Emily asks and I nod "Yeah why? you won't be able to keep it too long because then you will start to look like me " I laugh a little "Ezra just didn't want to share it yet, we planned to tell everyone soon though, and plus Hanna this is your big day I didn't want to try and take it from you." She smiles "Who cares I'm so excited your pregnant! now I will have too little neices to be my models!" She smiles and I laugh a little "I don't know if it is going to be a girl or not Hanna." Aria says a little snobby. "Well I thinnk it's going to be a girl." Hanna says happily "I can feel it!' aria was getting annoyed it was probably a mood swing and with Hanna being all happy "How would you know Hanna?!" I but in "Okay okay, guys just get ready to go, I'm going to go sit down I love you guys." They smile and say they love me back and I walk back to my seat, I could have seen that going very bad, thank gosh it didn't!
I sit down next to toby "hey baby how are the girls?" He asks putting a hand around me "Great, Aria's pregnant." "She is!? That's exciting right?" "Yes but its supposed to be a secret so don't tell the guys you know okay?" He nods "okay." The ceremony starts and we watch When it was over we went to the after party I was sitting at the table as they were all dancing Hanna comes over "spence why aren't you dancing!?" She says giddily she definitely had a couple drinks. "Han I can't dance like this." I laugh a little and she pulls me up "Hanna!" I say getting annoyed she stops and I sit down "I-i'm sorry.." Hannah says "Its fine!" I say she runs off and Toby looks at me raising an eyebrow "what?" I look at him "Nothing.." "Are you sure?" I say not very nicely "Yup..." "Your lying to me, just tell me!" "Nothing Spencer!" I look at him and start to cry "Spencer...I'm sorry." He hugs me and I push him away "You yelled at me." I cry being emotional He sighs "I didn't mean to yell okay can you talk to me?" a couple minutes later I respond "Yeah." "Lets go talk in the hall." he says standing up and taking my hand. We walk out to the hall and he looks at me "Okay whats wrong?" I wipe my eyes "Nothing.." "Spence.." "Okay well I'm just panicking.." "About?" "The baby..The Labour." "Don't worry Spence, I'll be there and you will be the perfect mommy." "I know...But I am worried, I mean we have already discussed me having a home birth but theres so much more to it like have it in my bed or a water birth or what. And did you know how long labour can last!? It can last over 2 days toby! 2 days!!. It's so much to worry about!" He looks at me "Spencer calm down okay calm down. how about we get everything you need and we can decide what seems the most comfortable at the time, your midwife will be able to help too okay? and I will be there the whole time the labour is." I nod "Okay." I wipe my eyes. He hugs me "Lets head home you need rest." I nod agreeing. We say goodbye and then head home. When we get home I take off my super tight dress and sigh in relief to get it off and Toby laughs "Was the uncomfortable?" I nod "Very!" I put on a large sleeping and lay down in that and my underwear. Toby changes and lays down "Tired?" I nod and yawn "Yeah its been a long day." "Would you like a back massage? or a foot massage?" I smile "how about both?" He nods "Your got it! Anything for my wife." He smiles and starts with rubbing my feet. I lay back enjoying it when he finishes he rubs up my legs as well "Okay sit up." He says and I do what he says as he rubs my shoulder and then starts kissing down my back I smile "toby." He smiles "Sorry..I love you." "I love you too" I say when my pain in my stomach starts to get worse I wince and let out a cry, Toby stops and looks at me "Spencer are you okay!?" I shake my head "I don't know I have been having stomach pains all day an-" He cut me off "And you didn't tell me!?" "No I didn't because I thought it was nothing but now it really hurts." I say about to cry and he gets worried "Maybe your going into labour! I'm calling your mid wife!" He says panicking and I try to stay calm she answers "Hello?" Toby explains everything "Oh my Yes it sounds like she is going into labour I am going to leave right away! But don't expect anything to happen too fast It's going to be hours." she says trying to calm toby down. He hangs up and looks at me "she thinks your in Labour."

Authors note; Omg it has been too long! But I have had so much theatre things going on and sooo busy but i'm trying to update often so sorry! -S

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