Year five: that night

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It was an average Tuesday in November, cold but other than that normal. I was bustling around the dorm looking for my broom polish. It was five am and I didn't want to wake Mary or Lily. I dug around her trunk until Marlene just offered hers. I was having a terrible morning. Woke up late, broom still needed polishing and I couldn't find her polish. Oh well At least the day can't get much worse. I tossed her brown hair into ponytail and followed Marlene through the door. I noticed Remus asleep on the sofa, book still in his hands as if he had fallen asleep reading which was probably the case. I grabbed a blanket from a chair and pulled it over him. Probably didn't fall asleep until an hour ago poor thing. He always got like this before the moon, restless, never slept and overall in the worst mood. As they headed off to the quidditch pitch I shivered from the November air. As I flew up into the air she soared across the field probably faster than James. I needed to be though as the seeker. They went through drills until I thought she was going to vomit. James ended practice right before breakfast was about to start. I headed down to the dorms to change from my quidditch jumper to my uniform and freshen up. I got Lily to braid her hair and they headed down to breakfast.
Breakfast was delicious as always with toast, eggs, sausages, and fruit. I also noticed how Remus did almost the exact same thing. Remus had been my best friend since before Hogwarts. I knew about his secret and had been there with snacks after everyone when we were younger. Maybe I fancied him and maybe I didn't, I didn't have time worry about all that though at all times I was either playing quidditch or studying. After breakfast I had muggle studies. I'd been born a half-blood but I had never really gotten in touch with her muggle side. I knew the basics how to do math and read but wasn't quite sure on other things. So I figured the best was to just go ahead and take it. Majority of the stuff I did know but some of the stuff I didn't and found it interesting. Next I had a free period which I just spent in the library with Remus. I figured he would just bunk out for today because he looked retched. He looked pale and woozy and after checking she could tell he was running a fever.
"Remus you look awful please just bunk out and I'll bring you lunch."
"Maggie you know as well as anybody I can't I'll probably miss at the very least my morning classes tomorrow. I can't miss it, plus I feel completely fine."
Only a few minutes later would he be puking his guts out over the trash can. I walked him back to his dorm, well his dorm's bathroom more specifically. I whipped out a goblet filled with water.
"I'll be back after care of magical creatures to check on you and give you the notes and please for the love of godric don't do anything just stay here or lay down you need it."
Maybe I cared too much but she didn't care she just wanted him to be safe. I walked down to the great hall to get the last little bit of lunch.
"Where have you been?" Sirius asked
"Oh you know Remus threw up in the library so I took him back to the dorms to get cleaned up and rest"
"Really? Is it that bad? I haven't seen it be so bad since year two when he had thrown up at least five times." James asked.
"Guess so. I feel bad I just wish there was more I could do."
After only getting about five minutes to eat it Iwas off to care of magical creatures. She walked with Mary and Marlene as usual. Mary talked about the new boy she was dating and Marlene talked about the upcoming quidditch match against hufflepuff. I didn't think much of it she knew they would win. It wasn't that hufflepuff was too soft or anything their seeker just stunk. Care of magical creatures was nothing special just the usual note taking. I trudged along through the day checking in on Remus between classes and activities. I had healer classes with Marlene at 4:30 and then would grab a quick bite to eat before heading down to the willow with Pete, James, and Sirius. I had decided to take the healing classes for Remus' sake. Anything that would make him feel a bit more natural, more normal she would want to do for him. Tonight's dinner was chicken, peas, and some type of chocolate pudding. After dinner was over I headed back to the dormitory to grab my stuff and walk Remus to the hospital wing. He still looked retched. They briefly talked as they walked to the wing, just about normal stuff like what he missed in classes and what not. As soon as I dropped him off I smiled at Madam Pomfrey. Madam Pomfrey knew that I knew and would protect him at all costs. As the night grew colder and the sun started to set. I yelled at the other three marauders to come on. As they walked through the tunnel to the tree. I had this anxious almost bad feeling that something might happen, but I couldn't put her finger on it so I decided to ignore it instead. A simple alohomora unlatched the lock of the door. Typically they would have more time to just sit around before Remus transformed but Peter kept on getting distracted and James was prank planning so they got there late.
"Guys it's coming hurry up and change." Remus said a shrivel of pain in his voice.
"One second, I still need to change. Ugh where is it?"
I was digging around for whatever it was I needed but she didn't have enough time. Then everything went black. I would tell you what I was looking for but honestly I have a very vague memory of that evening much less what I was looking for.

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