Stupid decision

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She had barely made it to the district entrance, there was no one around outside so she couldn't get help straight away. She stumbled into the reception area to see Trudy platt behind the desk and jay halstead stood talking to her. Their conversation was soon paused when Trudy's eyes grew wide with horror as she pointed to Ellie behind jay who attempting to walk over to them, "jay!" She shouted. Jays head whipped around and saw Ellie with her arm out, she was covered in blood and bruises. He jumped to help her and reached for her arm as she collapsed to the floor, "Ellie! Hey, hey, hey breath okay? I got you..." he said while pulling her into his arms. He looked up in fear and shouted to anyone who was nearby, "get hank now!". He turned his attention back to Ellie who was gasping in his arms, "i-i didn't do anything, i-it was them..." she started but was cut off by jay, "shhhh, it's okay. Save your energy" she ushered while quickly checking her body for fatal injuries. She coughed up some blood and she was finding it hard to keep her eyes open, everything was going dark and blurry, "stay with me Ellie, come on" jay said while lightly tapping the side of her face. "Where's hank?!" Jay shouted realising she was closing her eyes. Two seconds later hank appeared at the bottom of the stairs, it was silent and it was just Ellie and jay sat on the floor surrounded by officers watching. "Hank, she's asleep. Where the ambo?" Jay said panicking.
Hank took over from jay and cradled his lifeless daughter in his arms, he was on the verge of crying as tears were in his eyes. Jay stood up covered in Ellie's blood and just watched hank holding her on the floor. They were all one big family in Hank's unit and they protected everyone, especially Ellie. "Move out the way" trudy shouted as Brett and Mackey pushed their way through the audience they had gained and onto the floor. "When did she fall unconscious?" Brett asked while hooking her up to different machines. Everyone looked at jay since he was the one helping her, "about 5 minutes ago" he answered rapidly. "We gotta get her to med, hank you can ride with us. The rest of you can meet us there" she said slightly worried. They placed her into a back board and carried her out to the ambo, hank followed right behind them.
The unit who were upstairs in the bullpen must've heard the commotion since they all made their way down to the reception. Hailey was the first one down and she immediately spotted jay covered in blood, "jay! What the hell happened? Are you okay?" She said while patting him down for injuries. He nodded, "yeah yeah I'm good. It's not my blood, it's Ellie's..." he said loud enough so the rest of the unit could hear. They all shot each other concerned looks as they ran back upstairs to grab their radios and jackets, they made their way to their cars and set off driving to med. Hailey rode with jay since they were partners, "what happened?" She said shocked. He shook his head in disbelief and shrugged, "I don't know, she just appeared in the room like that. She tried to tell me something but I told her to save her energy. Whatever happened though, voights gonna be pissed" he cleared up. Hailey nodded since she didn't know what to say. After a 10 minute drive following the ambulance, they arrived at med.
They hopped out their cars and hailey spoke again, "do you think someone she knows did it?" She enquired towards jay. "I don't know, but whoever did it made a stupid decision, I mean maybe killing a Sergeants daughter? That's a next level death wish..." he said before they walked into the waiting room.

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