6. Neil and David

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Heeey, y'all!

First off, we reached #12 on the Smosh tag and also 500 reads! Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for this. I also hope that you're enjoying this book so far, because it's been such a delight to write.

We're halfway through this book already, woah! It's nice that we're going good so far too. Thanks for the feedback, y'all.

Anyway, we should start, shouldn't we? See yaaa!


SMOSH SUMMER GAMES: Gotta Catch 'Em All!
Damien's Point of View


"I can't believe Olivia out-swam you and Shayne."

"Trust me, I was just in much shock as you are," Kimmy tells me as she stomps down on the sand. "Well, maybe she learned it during quarantine? And besides, Shayne was a bit rusty on the swimming."

"He drowned as a child," I reply, making her chuckle. "It's not a laughing matter, but it kinda is because he survived."

We were on our way to the psychic, whose supposed area was just past the beach. Since we were exiting the resort, we had to get clearance from Lisa, who was pretty chill with it, but she did tell us to be back as soon as we could. We told her that we would probably just be out for a couple of hours, which was a lie because we decided to have an evening stroll on the beach instead. The shore stretches on, but I didn't mind because the breeze was just wonderful, second only to my companion.

"So," I begin as we continue walking barefoot in the sand, "you think this psychic has our answers?"

"I'm doubtful, but this is the best chance we got at knowing what's going on," she answers, sighing. "To be honest though, I'm glad that we're getting comfortable in each other's bodies. A couple of days ago, I was just completely hesitant."

"Big same," I remark. "And hey, I think that this is gonna help the psychic figure out what's wrong with us. Do you think that a psychic is... like... a magic doctor?"

Kimmy nods, laughing. "I was just thinking about that!" she exclaims, slapping my arm. "A magic doctor, exactly. That's nice, maybe I'm your next Shayne with all the mind-melding thing."

"Sure, Kimmy. Try as hard as you can to replace the Shayne Topp. Others have tried, and none of them have succeeded, because, uh, he's still there."

She then stops in her footsteps and gazes out at the wide open sea. It was ironic to think that we were straight out of a movie, where the moon looked bigger than it scientifically is. Its light, which it got from the sun, reflects clearly on the water, making the evening brighter than it is. We didn't need some flashlight to make our way to the end of the beach, and even though I don't generally enjoy walking in the sand, I like it tonight. I kind of want to stay in this moment forever. I'd prefer to be in my own body, but...

"Do you think we'll ever get out of this situation?" Kimmy asks me, crossing her arms as we keep walking. "Not to be pessimistic or anything, but just genuinely curious. I don't even know how we got in it in the first place."

"Let's retrace our steps then," I say, shrugging. "It'll help us explain to the psychic too. So we woke up---"

"No, no. The night before."

"Oh, right, let's take that into consideration."

We try to think about what had happened that Saturday evening, not recalling much. Too many things had already happened between then and right now, and as much as I'd like to remember every moment I've spent with my work crush, I'm pretty tired of thought-processing. Kimmy then says, "We were playing that game. And we had to read the comments."

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