Chapter 1: Knocked Out

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Makoto's point of view

Ah, shoot. I got to get going to school. School starts at 7:35, and it is already 7:15. I gotta go.

I overslept again. Slept right through my alarm. This is the third time this week, and it's only Monday. Yes, only Monday.

I didn't even bother to change shirts. I just put armpit deodorant on, and called it that. I brushed my teeth, too, of course.

That took about five minuets. It's already 7:20 in the morning. My father's horn is beeping in his car. I ate some cheap cereal bar on my way out the door. I made a mad dash for the car, without saying bye to Mom. Trust me, I did not have time.

I get in and buckle up. I place my backpack down on the empty seat next to me. My sister, Komaru, is sitting up front.

"You ready now, Makoto?" Dad looked back.

"Yeah, I think so," I pant out of breath.

"Good job, Makoto. We might be late," Komaru glares at me.

"Nah, don't worry. You will not be late," Dad starts driving.

He is driving us to Hope's Peak High School, located right in the center of Towa City. I am a Junior, Komaru is a Freshmen.

I can hear Komaru's music blasting through her earbuds. She is listening to that dumb boy band, Tornado. Gross. Looks like she's also texting someone, but I could care less.

A few moments later, Dad dropped us off in the parking lot. It is 7:25. Good. Got here in plenty of time. I guess my panic was an overreaction.

"Bye, Dad. Love you," Komaru waves goodbye.

"Love you, too pumpkin. Have a good day. You, too, Makoto," he waves back.

I'll let Komaru handle things like that. I don't like saying honeyed words of that nature.

"Not even saying bye to dad... typical," Komaru shrugs at my face.

I said nothing. I just kept on walking. Komaru went to the other end of the high school. My locker's right here.

My locker is right next to Maki's. Ugh, I can smell her goth scented perfume from here. It is awful.

"Hey, uh, Maki, you wanna not use much of that around me? It's going in my nostrils," I express my concern.

"This is of no greater interest of mine. Don't tell me what to do," she replies.

"I'm just saying-"

"Do you want to die?" She grabs me by the neck.

"N-No," I cough.

"Good," she lets go.

Yeah, that's Maki Harukawa for ya. Y'know, she says she's a child caregiver, but I find it hard to believe. For someone who babysits for a living, she sure is violent. Probably best to stay out of her way.

I get the Math textbook out from my locker and skedaddle on to class. Just in time, I arrived.

The teacher of this class is Mr. Hya. He specializes in mathematics. Not that, that really matters to me personally.

Mr. Hya gives us a worksheet to do. I look up for a moment, and sitting there, diagonally from my seat is Kyoko Kirigiri. Her father's the principal here, but oh... am I in love with her.

I'm really exceeding my possibilties, though. There is no way a girl like her will ever fall for a guy like me. However, when I say that, she stares at me.

"Hey, Makoto," she speaks to me.

"Uh, hey, Kyoko."

"You know, my parents won't be home this weekend. Was thinking you could come over and play with these," she shoves them in my face.

"Oh, Kyoko, I will. Those are big," I begin squeezing them.

Other than squeezing them, I roll them up and down. This feels nice.

"Makoto," Kyoko calls my name.

"Yes, queen?"

"What's the diameter of the circles?" She tests me.

"The what?"

"Makoto Naegi, what are you doing?!" Mr. Hya snaps me back into reality.

Aw, that was all a day dream? It was at that moment, I knew... I was fondling Hina's chest. Her desk is aside mine.

"Oh, Makoto, I didn't know you liked me this much. Not out in the open, though, okay?" Hina begins blushing at what I'm doing.

"That's it!" Sakura gets up.

She knocks me flat. I am out cold.

"Ooo, that's gotta leave a mark," I heard Nagito say.

His voice was the last thing I heard. I became unconscious. When I came to again, I awaken in the nurse's office.

"Oh, goody, you're finally awake," Nurse Mikan rushes over to me.

"Mikan? What happened?" I feel my head.

"You got knocked out. Mr. Hya called me in his room to come get you. You've been knocked out for the last three hours. How are you feeling, Mr. Naegi?"

"Three hours? Damn, Sakura packs a mighty punch. Anyways, I feel fin-" I try to get up, but feel a rush of pain in my noggin.

"Hey, take it easy. Here, have this icepack," Mikan hands me an icepack.

"Thanks," I hold it up to my head.

"Since you're not severely injured, I'll let you go. But please, be more careful. I'll let the teacher know you're going to class," Mikan opens the door.

"Yeah, whatever," I proceed to walk out.

"I'm sorry! Was it something I said?" She panics.

"No, you are just fine," I step out of her office.

Mikan acts as the school nurse. She is also a student, but she gets her credits from being the nurse. She attends classes sometimes. Not often, though.

I make a bealime for my next class, which is Science. Damn, I've been knocked out for so long, that I missed the rest of Math, as well as Gym. Oh, well.

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