Make it or Not

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The halls are buzzing with bodies who are scrambling to get to classes. Lockers are slamming and people are quietly cussing. This is what my new school is like, just like any other place that I have been to. It's a nice school, with a nice structure but it's nothing new. My mom drove me to my first day just like she always does. I walk up the front steps that leads to the enterence and head straight for the main office. Inside the doors there are three chairs and a small table that is against the wall. Behind the desk is plump woman with bleach blond hair, she is typing on a computer and when she sees me she looks up and smiles.

"How can I help you my dear?" She asks with a keen smile

"Um I'm Kelsey Miller and I need my schedule please."

"OK" she starts to shuffle through folders in a cabinet, humming as she goes. After a few a minute she pulls one out. "Ah here we go. Here is a map and your schedule." She hands me my papers.

"Thanks." I say and head to my first class. I read though all of them and head straight for my class, I get lost a couple of times, but I still make them on time.

At lunch hour I go through the line. Schools never have good meals prepare, so I don't know why I never bring my own. Today it looks like there is macaroni, "mistery meat", and I don't even know what else. I grab whatever looks good and head for a table. I look around not one table is clear. I'm not in the mood for chit chat and frankly I have given up on making new friends.

I was just about to walk to a table that I found when I bumped into someone. You know in movies when two people collide with each other and conversation stops in the room? That's what happened. The cafeteria was complete silence, all that I could hear was my heart beating in my chest nothing else. If I could move I would be up and running by now, but I can't. I started to pick up the food that fell to the floor and another pair of hands reached to help. God this is really embarrassing.

"Thanks." I mumble when it was all cleaned up.

"No problem. You okay?" I look up and see a guy maybe 5'9", with longish black hair that touches his ears and the brightest blue eyes and a amazing body of what I could see. I'm speachless, I have no words to say. My breath is taken away. So all I do is nod my head and he smiles and walks away.

The day is over for classes. So now I head to team tryouts. I enter the door that leads to the college pool. My stomach is fluttering with nerves as the smell of clorean hits me. Earlier during lunch I passed the sign up table. I put my name down, age and everything else. It has always been kinda sort easy going to different teams, mostly because as soon as I hit the water that's it. The whole world disappears from me. It's just me and the water that's left. I head right for the locker rooms to change. When I walk in there are a bunch of girls who are giggling. I can tell which ones are new and which are not. I choose a locker that hasn't bee taken and take my stuff out of my bag: goggles, cap, hair tie, towel and my stop watch. Usaully I would get my board, paddles and everything else but this is a trial. I quickly strip out of my clothes, grab my stuff and follow the others out to the pool.

As soon as my feet hit the deck it felt like the pool was welcoming me home. The smell of the water hitting my nostrils and the voices of people echoing off the wall filling my ears. I never get tired of it. I line up with new comers behind the blocks. One by one the "captains" would ask for someone's name, age and their stroke. I guess it's like cheer triouts, you have to show them what you've got and if they like what they see you make it, but if not then you're gone.

They get to me and as soon as I see his face I recognize him. It's the guys that I ran into at lunch. Oh god. I think that I'm going to faint or do something.

"Name?" He's still looking at the clip board. Oh no he looked up. "Hey I know you." He says. I don't know what do

"No you don't." I quickly respond, "I'm Kelsey Miller, I'm 16 and I do the IM, Back, free and breast." Nervous, I shouldn't be nervous.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2015 ⏰

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