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Today was Spencer's game against Culver City. Right now me,Leila, and Olivia are at the game in the stands and Beverly is rlly close to losing. Spencer just caught the ball from the kickoff and he got up to the 20 yard line.
Si - yessir there you go Spence
I yelled
Spencer then took off his helmet and looked around then at me and I shook my head no
Le - what's that abt?
Si - our friend coop was supposed to be here.
Le - well too bad she missed it he looks good today
She says as she elbows Olivia
Ol - pls don't
Le - what?
Si - I'm sry Leila but the last time you played matchmaker with Liv she ended up skinny dipping with my brother
Ol - and all 3 of us know that you trying to set me up with Spencer is more abt you than it is me
After she said that a man came with a woman
? - hey princess
He says to Leila
Leila gets up and hugs him
Le - hey dad you made it

Ld - Leilas Dad
Ch - China

Ld - how you feel?
Le - good, dad you already know Olivia
Ol- hi
Ld - hi
Le - and dad this is Sina James
Si - hey nice to meet you
Ld - nice to meet you too, wait James oh so your the amazing volleyball player transfer from Crenshaw right?
Si - yes sir
Ld - wow well this is China
Ch -

Ld - she's also from Crenshaw
Si - wow that's cool

China then side hugged Leila and me and Liv looked at each other cuz we could tell how awkward it was, then China sat right in between Leila and her dad which was kinda 😒 yk but its whatever I guess

Back to the game it seem like Jordan and Asher were arguing then Spencer split them apart then they started the play and Jordan threw it to Asher but he didn't catch it then they argued again then Coach Baker yelled at them and it was 20-24. Then Leilas dad got a phone call the he left and China went with him.
Ol - how long is he in town?
Le - the usual a couple days, he's in town promoting Chinas new album
Si - you don't like her
Le - no it's - she's she's fine
Si - Leila don't- the same way you just acted is the same way I act whenever I see some of my aunties that be talkin too much.
We then laughed
Le - Idk it's weird she's not even his type, she's nothing like-
Ol - your mom
Le - Yea
She said looking down at her hands
Back to the game Jordan ran and made a touchdown
We all stood up and started cheering
After the teams shook hands, I ran down the stands and I could tell Jordan was looking for me then he saw me and I ran and jumped on him and hugged him and put my legs around him as he carried me
I then kissed him and put my arms around him
Si - good job baby
Jo - thank you
I then jumped down out of his arms as Leila and Olivia came
Ol - good job Jordan
She says as she side hugs him
Le - Yea amazing touchdown
Then the team calls Jordan to go to the locker room
Jo - hey I gotta go but Sina just wait for me outside of the locker room k?
Si - ok
He then kissed my cheek then ran off with the team
I then turned around to Olivia and Leila
Ol - you guys are rlly rlly cute
Le - Yea omg I still can't believe you guys are together now
We then started walking to the locker room
Si - Ik me neither
Le - you gonna come with us to the hangout?
Si - umm idk I was supposed to go back home with Spencer
Ol - come on Sina I'm even going

They then came up in front of me and gave me puppy dog eyes and pouted their lips

Ol & Le - Pleasee
Le - and I bet Jordan would want you to come too
Si - uhh fine
Ol & Le - yay
Si - you guys are annoying
We then laughed and continued walking we got to the front of the locker room and Spencer came out
Sp - what's up sis, hey Liv hey Leila
Si &Ol & Le - hey
Sp - so you comin to the hangout
Si - yea these 2 right here convinced me to go to the hangout with them
Sp - let me guess right after y'all mentioned Jordan she agreed
Ol & Le - yup
Si - that's not the only reason I said I wanted to hangout with my 2 close friends
They all looked at me with a "really" face
Si - whatever and I thought you were gonna hangout with Coop
Sp - Nah she texted and said something came up so yea but I'm workin a night shift there tonight so I'll see you girls over there bye
Si & Le - bye
Ol - I can give you ride
Sp - you sure?
Ol - of course, bye guys I'll see you
They then walks away, then Asher came outside looking mad
Le - babe what's wrong
As - I'll tell you later
Le - bye Sina I'll see you at the hangout
Si - bye
I then waited and JJ came out screaming
JJ - woo woo winners baby!!
He then looks at me
JJ - what's up Sina James
I then side hug
Si - hey JJ good job today
JJ - thanks but your boyfriend was pretty good too
Si - wait how do yk me and Jo-
JJ - pls it doesn't take a genius to look at the way you guys look at each other
Si - Leila told you didn't she?
JJ - Yea but I still found out somehow. But are you coming with Jordan to see me do the muy fuego wing challenge?
Si - Yup
JJ - alright then I'll see you there
He then walked off then Jordan came out
Jo - hey baby
He walks towards me and hugs me
Si - hi
Jo - you coming with me to the hangout??
Si - Yea
Jo - ok let's go

𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓦𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓮🥰 - Jordan BakerWhere stories live. Discover now