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Si - Sina
Sp - Spencer
Jo - Jordan
Le - Leila
Olivia - Ol
Gr - Grace
Di - Dillion
Cb - Coach Billy
La - Laura
Co - Coop
Sh - Shawn
As - Asher
At the beach✨
We're all at the beach, Spencer convinced me to go with him, I didn't really want to but at least Leila was gon be there. Me and Leila were sitting on the sand and I was helping her with her student council stuff.
Le- So how's you and Jordannn??
Si - what do you mean?
Le- don't try to act I know you guys like each other
Si- fine but you can't tell anybody not even Spencer
Le- ok ok just tell me
Si - the night of the party he dropped me off and we kissed and he told me he had feelings for me and I said I did too
Le- omg yess my ship has finally sailed so whats happening now??
Si- nothing, after the set up incident I argued with him about it and ever since that I haven't talked to him
Le - you guys live together so how do you do it.
Si- I just give him dry answers and ignore
Le - listen he apologized to Spencer right?
Si- kind of yea
Le - and him and Spencer are cool now right?
Sina - yes
Le- ok then, don't hold a grudge because ik that he has strong feelings for you.
Si- I'll think about, I'm gonna jump in real quick I'll be back
Le - ok
I get up and start walking to the water and I swim out a little bit then I go under and I came back up and felt hands on my waist, then I slapped the hands that were on me and turned around
Jo - yk you can't ignore me forever
Si- Jordan what the hell you rlly gotta stop doing that
Jo- but we need to talk
Si- abt what?
Jordan - wdym what abt? Us obviously
Si- Jordan there's no-
Jo - don't even say that listen *he pulls me closer* please I'm sry I should've thought abt you and how I would've affected you I'm rlly sry. I rlly like you Sina and I wanna make us work so will you be my date to the booster party?
Si- Mmm, fine but don't think I'm gonna make it easy for
Jordan laughs
Jo - alright
I see Spencer motion for me to come, I'm guessing we're leaving
Si- I gotta go
Jo - ok
I start heading towards shore and I walk towards Spencer who was talking to Leila
Le - You guys are leaving already.
Si - yea sorry
Sp - we got business to handle
Le - Wow mysterious
Si & Sp - Bye Leila

At the house in Crenshaw✨
Spencer, Dillion, and I were sitting on the dining table helping Dillion do his homework
Sp - Ok so find a number you can divide by 266
Di - 532?
Si - There you go little man you got this
Di - yk it'd be easier if I could just send my homework to one of you in Beverly Hills and you guys can just send it back. We can work out some kind of system.
Sp - A system huh?
Di - yea
Si - get em
Me and Spence start tickling Dillion and the the door opens
Grace - again?
Si - we just came by to help D with his hw that's all
Gr - and last night it was I had to sign y'all's test, and the night before that-
Di - Spencer HAD to get his favorite sweatshirt, and Sina HAD to get her favorite sei (if you don't know what a sei is it's a flower that can go on your ear or in your hair I'll put a picture at the end), they had to-
*They were right, it's hard for us to not be home everyday and me and Spencer worry abt them*
Sp - Man shut up
Gr - You guys, this was not the deal, you guys were supposed to be there on the weeknights and here on the weekends
Si - Yea we missed you too momma
Gr - Yk we miss you guys but you guys can't keep going back and forth like this. Your gonna blow y'all's shot. We're good
Me and Spencer kinda looked down
Gr - come here
We got in a group hug
We then said goodbye and got our stuff and headed to the taxi, then we saw Shawn drop Coop off
Sp - you brought Shawn here?
Co - he just gave me a ride that's all
Sp - So you rolling with gangbangers now?
Co - I got it handled
Sp - Nah you got it twisted is what you got
Si - Spence calm down
Sh - I can give you a ride back to Beverly Hills where you belong, what's up Sina
Si - Hey Shawn
Sp - listen stay away from Coop, stay away from my house, stay away from my family, aight?
Sh - I'm just lookin out
Sp - Aint nobody here need lookin out for
Si - Spencer he's just being nice
Sh - See I knew Sina was always the smarter one, and it's seems to me they do need looking out for your either here or there you can't be everywhere.
Sp - Stay away you hear me?
Sh - yea I hear you Beverly, I'll see you around Sina
After Shawn left then we did Spencer didn't rlly feel like talking to coop so we just said goodbye to her.

𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓦𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓮🥰 - Jordan BakerWhere stories live. Discover now