Excuse me ?

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When on her phone popped up a message ...
Unknown: hi I just wanted to say
thank you for the day today :)

Maya: sorry who are you ?

Unknown: I'm carina , jacks girlfriend.

Maya: ok I think jack gave you my number , am I wrong?

Unknown: yes,yes you are right ! I hope it's ok

Maya: yeah it's totally fine :)

Unknown: fine , I have to go to the gym now ! See you

Maya put her phone away and heared Andy say something but didn't hear what because she was thinking...
"Maya everything ok ?" Andy asked worried. Her best friend answered "yeah I'm fine it was just c-...äh Jack." Than maya stood up and went to her warm and cozy bed.

"You just want some more win?" Asked maya and took a drink. "Ouh no no I'm fine thanks" answered her ex boyfriend and now her friend jack. "Ok just repeat the Story , why do you think she isn't serious with you ?" Jack told her the story and how he feels "are you fine?" Maya worried about him , she know she shouldn't but she cared about him like in the past when they were a couple "yes I'm fine" Jack answered. Jack looked in maya's ocean eyes and he never noticed how blue her eyes really was. Jack looked deeper and deeper in her eyes and maya doesn't notice that. *ring ring ring ring* His mum called and said he have to come home and help his parents
"Ok bye maya see you"...

Maya: ok I didn't want to interfere but I have to because he is my friend .

Carina: what the Heck are you talking about?

Maya: he told me everything about the last weeks and what you done and the only thing I can say is please break up with him

Carina: if i didn't know you are straight I would think you are jealous

Maya: what the heck , take it serious please. And who said that I'm straight , we don't know each other.

Carina: I think we should ;)

"Maya is everything ok?" Heared maya from the kitchen where Andy stand and watched her
"Yes yes everything is fine and now I'm hungry can we get some food argh"

At the evening maya became a new message and she hoped it's not from her but it was

Carina: Hi , I'm sorry for the messages and I hope you're fine because you didn't answered .

Maya: yeah I was eating something and had no time to answer sorry

Carina: but the thing with knowing each other I thought about it and I think we should do it .

Maya: no but you are jacks girlfriend and I'm not pretty sure if you like girls.

Carina: ok how is it when I break up with Jack and when we meet

Maya: why do you want to do that , you will break his heart

Carina: ok ok we dont meet :(

Maya just shut her phone off and thought about Jack and how he is feeling. He said something like he wished that she break up because he can't do this

Maya: ok Friday 8pm my house !

Carina: I won't miss it ;)

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