New, Well Old Faces

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Your POV:
Today's the day Y/N. You'll be able to see your bestfriend and meet the others.
I smiled to myself. It's been three extremely long years, and I'll finally be able to see Thomas again. I'll also finally be meeting the sides. I had recently purchased a house back in the small town I grew up in,  not telling my childhood friend that I was physically moving back.

I parked my impala named Baby outside the man in question's house(if you get that reference I love you). I slowly got out from the driver's seat. I was wearing a f/c muscle shirt, with black ripped jeans, my black combat boots, and a black leather jacket. I walked up and knocked tentevly on the door. I heard footsteps approaching and awaited the smile of my best friend...

Thomas's POV:
Everyone was running around the house. Patton was finishing cookies, Logan was putting away books and anything else he could find, Roman was trying to find his sash, Virgil was, well being Virgil. And Janus and Remus were standing in the corner laughing away at the chaos that was happening.

"Ok! I get that you guys are excited but you all need to calm down!" I yelled out. Everyone froze at my sudden outburst, even the 'dark sides' in the corner. Just as I had finished my statement there were three firm knocks on the door. Suddenly everyone stared at the door. "He's here." I whispered. I walked over to the wooden frame,  awaiting to see the mischievous smile of my best friend...

Third Person's POV:
Thomas opened the door and Y/N turned around. He quickly matched the smile of the shorter male in the doorway. "Damn! You've always been taller but this is just ridiculous! What have you been eating?" The taller male giggled/chuckled(which ever you prefer) at the latter's question. "Same junk food as high school."

The pink haired male stepped aside and let Y/N in.(I just like thomas with pink hair) The male tooke a look around and smiled. "Come on, the sides are in the living room." The taller let out an uneasy breath.

"Its ok. I'm here if it becomes to much." Y/N nodded and wiped the sweaty palms of his hands on to the sides of his jeans, while following Thomas to the living room.

The sides all looked towards the two males who walked in the room. The one with the cardigan tied over his shoulders gasped. "Holy macaroni! You said he was tall but I didn't think you meant skyscraper tall!" The male in question laughed lightly. "I'm going to make a wild guess and say your Patton." His E/C eyes scanned the room quickly, checking his surroundings out of habit, when they landed on two of the sides. He felt his heart race as his eyes landed on a man wearing prince like attire, a red sash around his chest, gold braids falling from his shoulder and a dashing smile gracing his features. And another male whom had taken Y/N's breath away had what looked to be business casual clothes with black square frames glasses adorning his face. His face in question seemed to hold no emotion but his eyes told a different story.

Reluctantly Y/N tore his gaze off of the beautiful people in the corner. "You know what I'm just gonna go for it. Your Janus," he pointed to the male with scales on half of his face, his eye being yellow. He sported a yellow getup with a black cape
or trenchcoat and a black bowler hat, a smirk prominent on his face. "Remus," he pointed to the guy next to Janus who was eating, was that, deodorant? He wore an odd green and black getup, and had a mustache with a grey streak, along with his hair. "Virgil," pointing to an angsty boi in the corner who appeared to try and hide in his sweatshirt at being called out, his sweatshirt was black with different shades of purple patches on them, and dark smudged eyeshadow under his eyes, then he finally built up enough courage to face the other two. He pointed to the one with glasses first "Logan," then the regaly dressed one, "And Roman."

Patton, the one whom he had named first stood up and smiled. "Exactly right kiddo! You can call me Patton, Patt, Pops, Padre, Dad. Anything as long as it's nice!" Y/N pondered into space, scratching his imaginary beard. "Huh, new friends and a father figure." He shrugged and looked back to the group.

Virgil spoke up. "Dont you have a dad?" He didn't mean to be rude but it kind of slipped out. The H/L haired male turned towards him. "Nope! He went to get milk and never came back!" He said oddly cheerful. Then made and odd looking face at the ground.

"Guess he got lost in the isles." He made an odd noise in the back of his throat then looked up and smiled.

Janus cleared his throat. "I'm guessing you dont know what each of us misportray?" He questioned. It took Y/N a second to realise what he meant and then said "Oh yeah! When Thomas told me about the original three awhile ago he told me what they represented and everything. Then I kinda, binge watch the Saders Sides series on the flight? So I'd have a better understanding of you guys." The taller male scratched the back of his neck shyly, a nervous habit he had, as a light blush spread across his S/T(skin tone) face.

Logan had a hint of a smile on his face. "A man whom does his research on a subject. At least we have one person of culture and intelligence." He quickly stood up and held his hand out to the male. "Salutations Y/N. It's quite the pleasure to finally meet you." The younger took his trembling hand, and clasped in firmly to the others. He felt shock go up his spine. Little did he know, Logan did as well.

The logically side sat back down as Remus suddenly shouted. "You should kill your friend Thomas!" Thomas looked shocked and the rest of the sides looked at Y/N with fear of his reaction.

The tall Male just rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"Dude, for 1. Thomas is to big of a pussy to kill me, no offense,  and 2. He'd then have to worry about the disposing of my body, and cleaning up the mess afterwards. Do you ever watch murder mystery shows? Thomas would crack under pressure like that." the male snapped his fingers on the word that for effects.

Remus looked as if he was about to reply, then shut his mouth when his mind went blank. Roman looked at, in his opinion, the angel of a man in astonishment. "He made Remus speechless. I think im gonna like having you around Sir Y/N."

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