𝐈𝐗 : 𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔

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"Why would Tommy know about the disc?" She wondered

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"Why would Tommy know about the disc?" She wondered. Hands traveling through the front cover of Ranboo's diary. "I don't know exactly, but when I think of the word 'disc', Tommy is the first thing that comes to mind"

"Then let's wait till Philza returns so we can actually talk it out with him"

"I agree"

And so, Ranboo returned to writing as Neith got some tea ready for the return of her dear mentor.

2 hours had gone by and no sign of Philza's return, until she heard a knock at the door. "You're late" Neith laughed. "Oh no don't lock me outside" The man replied, giggling while holding the carcass of a dead sheep. "Lunch maybe?"

"Come in, welcome to your house Philza Minecraft"

As Ranboo sat down on the dinner table, his legs bounced up and down, anxiety spiking through his veins to the thoughts of the whole disc situation. "So Phil, we need to talk" Neith started.


"Today we had a visit"

"Hm?" The man hummed in confusion, not expecting what the girl had just said.

"A guy named Dream came knocking on your door and he asked me if he could talk to Ranboo but I told him Ranboo was busy and he walked away saying he would come back later"


"Yeah, and it turns out Ranboo has a super special disc that could magically end wars but he doesn't know how he got it and the Dream guy knows about it because somehow he messed up Ranboo's memory book and-"

"So you're telling me a stranger came to talk to you while I was away, threatened Ranboo and just walked away like nothing happened"

"I wouldn't call it threatening, it was aggressive question making"

"I- alright, Dream was it? I haven't heard that name in years"

The room fell silent. Neith turned to Ranboo, Ranboo turned to Neith and they just started at each other for a solid minute.

"Dream Was Taken was his name I think? A fallen demi-god, at least that's what the legends said. He used to start wars and kill enemies with cold blood. Quite a horrifying man" Philza frowned.

"How are you taking this so normally" Ranboo cried out. "Honestly I'm shaking"

"It's all going to be okay Ranboy" Philza patted the boy's back. "Now let's see the disc you have"

Ranboo looked devastated. "I- I don't have it"

"Its okay kid, we'll find it" Philza let out a giggle, "You really have bad memory don't you?"

"I- I- Think the disc was called Mellohi" Ranboo muttered, trying to help during the troublesome situation.

"Mellohi..." Philza muttered. "Are you sure, Ranboo?" Suddenly the atmosphere was no longer light, it's was like if a dark, serious aura had encapsulated the 3. It felt like a globe of vines had engulfed them in darkness leaving no air to breathe and no light to dig for. "I don't know" He replied honestly, drops of sweat forming behind his neck. "If you're being serious, you could possibly have the original Mellohi, the one that caused so many wars and so much bloodshed, do you remember, Neith? You were nothing but a defenceless child, a mere toddler. I'd honestly be surprised if you knew anything about it"

"I did know that wars had gone by, but I wasn't sure the cause of them were music discs, how low has our society gone?" The girl sighed, Philza soon interrupted her cutting her thoughts short. "We can't expect much, can we? Now look at me. Was Dream with anyone?"

"Not that I remember"

"Great, if we were to fight him at least we could have some chance at winning. Ranboo, get in contact with Tommy, he lead the 3 Disc War, he might know some things we don't"

"But how old was he back then? Because I can reassure you that I don't remember having Tommy going to war?" Neith chimed in, curiosity evident in her words.

"Tommy was around 13, he was named the commander after Wilbur decided to retire from that war" Philza began, "He had met the 'love of his life' who in fact was a salmon and felt like he wasn't about to risk his life for some silly war. You probably weren't involved because at that specific time, Wilbur probably sent you away or something, though I'm not sure" The man still seated, shifted his position, how having his left leg on top of the right.

The boy did as he was told, he wrote word after word creating a comprehensible sentence.

" G̶r̶e̶e̶t̶i̶n̶g̶s̶ Hello Tommy,
I am a friend of Neith's and it seems that she is
in the need of help at the m̶o̶n̶e̶n̶t̶ moment. Do you recall the disc Mellohi? It has been in my possession since the last war and-"

While he began to write the letter, a different voice was heard from outside, an oddly specific familiar voice which led shivers down the boy's spine. He felt weirdly peculiar from the sudden flash of emotions, yet his hand didn't seem to want to let go off the pen he held.

"Hello Neith, I'm back. I see Philza is there too I see"

Ranboo froze, stress shaking him into a state of panic. Grabbing the nearest object possible, Ranboo was faced with an Invisibility potion, an idea ran through his min. Gulping down the silver liquid he hid himself under the table holding his mouth with his hands trying to even his breaths.

"Dream Was Taken"

Philza muttered.

"It's been a long time hasn't it, Fallen Angel?" The tall, masked man replied, scanning the snowy taiga for any sort of enemy movement.

Philza could recognize his patterns, staring at the man he analyzed his every move 'First he will look around, making sure he can count his enemies, then he will advance forwards in a friendly manner, though soon it'll be just his satire behavior acting up once again, and lastly he will leave and come back when he intends"

"It sure has, now, why are you here kid?"

"It seems this boy named Ranboo has something that interests me"

"And what is that?"

"The disc Philza. The disc"

Neith stepped aside, not taking any interest in the conversation and fearing for her friend's sanity, she walked in, closing the door behind her. As she took off her shoes something grabbed her ankle. "Please don't be a drowned. Please don't be a drowned. Please don't be a drowned" she chanted.

"When will he be gone?" The so familiar voice asked. "Ranboo? Are you invisible?" Neith laughed, looking under the table. "Yes, but when will he be gone. I don't know how much longer this will last-"

"Please come in, please come in"


"See, no sign of Ranboo" Philza smiled, his eyes as dead as withered roses, but his expression still showing empathy towards his unwanted visitor.

"Mind if I looked around? This is a nice house Mr. Minecraft" The masked man smiled, hands behind his back trying to transmit a sense of authority.


His hands travelled through the furniture once again, crouching down at the sign of any suspicious noise.

"Looking around won't make Ranboo come back from his voyage, I though you were smarter, Dream my boy" Philza laughed.

"True, true. Well, thank you for today Philza Minecraft. Tell Techno I said hi" He muttered before leaving the house unsatisfied.

"I can't anymore" Ranboo breathed out, at the same time his potion effect wearing off. "You did great" Neith cheered, smiling at her friend. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders, trying to make him feel a sense of security.

"You did a good job, now Neith, since we're over this we can train a bit more now"

"Please lord have mercy on my soul" She cried. "See you later, Ranboo" The girl giggled before going up the stairs to rest.

"See you later, best friend..."

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