7/"we can do friendly dates"

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harry: something weird happened

zayn: what????

niall: are we going to talk about hendall??? did you guys kissed??? are you dating???? some medias are ready to give me A LOT of money to confirm the rumors about you

liam: niall seriously???

liam: tell us harry

harry: well we kissed

harry: and niall don't you DARE selling this to the medias

niall: okay...

zayn: so????

liam: dating???? officially???

harry: is someone going to let me talk?

liam: sure sorry go ahead

harry: so we kissed and something seemed wrong

harry: hold on, she sent me something

*harry switches to convo with kendall*

kendall: so

kendall: are we going to talk about last night?

harry: yeah, weird

kendall: I thought it would be amazing since we had such a great time

harry: same here, I don't understand

kendall: did you enjoy our dates?

harry: obviously!!! I had amazing moments every time we went out

harry: maybe I did something wrong

kendall: absolutely not

kendall: I believe that we had so much fun that it felt more like a friendship than a relationship

harry: really?

kendall: I don't really know, I'm bad at relationships

harry: same..

kendall: I enjoyed seeing you so much, I don't want to stop

harry: I mean, we don't have too

harry: we can do friendly dates

kendall: absolutely

kendall: I'm moving in London for a year, I need company

harry: and I'm your guy!

harry: I'm sorry

kendall: so am I! but it's okay, I think this made me win a good friend

harry: obviously, I'm the best of the friends you'll ever have

harry: I'm funny, I'm pretty, I do good music

kendall: and you are soooo humble

harry: as usual ;)

kendall: how about the medias? what are we going to say?

harry: I don't know about you but I don't want to stop seeing you and they won't let go of us if we don't say that we date

harry: and, since I started to be more "myself" they think I'm gay

harry: going out with you might make them stop saying that

kendall: but you are

harry: what???? I'm totally not

kendall: seriously, I thought I was wrong when we started going out, but the kiss just confirms that I think that you like men

kendall: or at least one

kendall: (I'm talking about louis here)

harry: wtf???

harry: why is everyone against me? I don't like louis!!! he broke my heart leave me alone


harry: no I'm not gay, louis is the only one I'm attracted to

harry: *was

harry: oh my god I'm in si much trouble

kendall: hahahahah you like him

harry: -_-

harry: anyways, are we still good?

kendall: sure, can I come over tomorrow night?

harry: obviously

harry: we'll plan THE date

kendall: haha can't wait

kendall: thank you harry

harry: for what? I might have ruined things between you and I

kendall: thank you because I made a friend, I'm happy and you make me laugh

harry: oh that was that easy to make you happy?

harry: you're welcome :)

kendall: xx

*harry switches to convo with the boys*

zayn: harry


liam: stop he might be dead

niall: today, we lost a best friend

zayn: for some others, a lover

harry: shut up, I'm alive

niall: OMG

zayn: OMG

liam: OMG

liam: talk

harry: chile

harry: we kissed, things were weird, so we decided to end things but we are still very good friends, she helps me getting rid of the medias, she discovered about louis and I

harry: she is such a nice person, we had to stay close friends and everything, we had too much fun during these dates

harry: moreover, she wants to introduce zayn to gigi

niall: oh... my otp

liam: niall, gigi and z can be your new otp

niall: yay

zayn: shut up leeyum

zayn: I don't like gigi, it was a joke!!!

harry: yeah sure

liam: anyways, if things are better like that, then we are happy for you

niall: yes obviously

zayn: I guess that if anyone asks, you guys are dating?

harry: no, just don't answer, like don't say yes but don't say no

harry: I don't want people to think we are dating, but at the same time I want them too

liam: sounds very much like louis is included in "people"


we love a good stunt

btw, I'm not hating in hendall at all, I think they were very cute, I'm not assuming that they were a stunt, but they kinda are in this story

thanks for reading my loves
love u<3

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