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Ririka woke up from her sleep as she can feel the light of the morning sun touched her face. She stretched her body and was about to stand up, but Mary stopped her by holding her hand

"Good morning princess..." Mary says with a beautiful smile. The special smiled just for her loved one

"Good morning baby" Ririka smile back and plant a kiss on Mary's forehead "Come on get up. We need to get ready for school.."

"School?! Oh, shit-" Mary's eyes widen. She jumped from the bed and quickly grabbed her bag

"Hey, what's wrong?" Ririka was confused with her girlfriend's sudden act. She walked to Mary to see what happen

Mary took out a piece of paper from her bag. She sat on the chair and grabbed a pen from her pencil case

"Is that?"

"Yup, it's a career thing. Ughh I don't even know what should I be in the future" Mary sighed and buried her face on the table

Ririka giggled "I'm going to make breakfast for you, but you should go shower first. You can think while you eat okay?" She rubs Mary's back to calm her

"Thank you Riri..." Mary stand up and give Ririka a hug

"Anything for you" Ririka slowly pushes away to make breakfast while Mary get ready to go for a shower

*   *   *

"Good morning Mary san~" Yumeko greet her bestie as soon as she entered the class

"Hrm morning..." Mary said seem upset

"So, mind telling me what happens to you this morning?" Yumeko sat in front of Mary to listen to every single problem that playing on her mind

"Are you done with the career thing?" Mary asked


"So what career you choose?"

"It's a secret"

"Aww come on..."

"What my career has something to do with your problem?"

"I haven't chosen the path I should take for the future... Dang, I hate myself"

"Ara Mary san, don't be so sad. Tell me what do you hope the world will be..."

"I don't know but, sometimes I wish that this world is fair for everyone. I don't like this stupid world that judges you by your status. Even the evil man can escape his punishment, just by corruption" Mary role her eyes, all of that was so disgusting for her "Yup it is it. I know what career should I take!" She suddenly gets hyper up and wrote something on the career paper. After she finished, she let Yumeko see what was written

"Lawyer?" Yumeko looked at her

"Yup. If I become a lawyer, I will be able to spoke the truth and find justice" Mary says and without realizing it, she was standing up. She was half shouting while saying it causes the entire class to throw eyes at her

Finally realized what she's doing, she looks to all of her classmates with a high level of awkwardness. She blushes and quickly sat down on her chair

"Oh my, that was so embarrassing" She covers her face with her hand and hoping that everyone will forget what just happened

"I'm glad you finally know what you going to be.." Yumeko smiled

"Thanks, Yumeko. I don't know how to pay you..."

"Gamble with me!" Yumeko grab both of Mary's hands

"Dang, I regret saying that"

*   *   *

Time skip,
8 pm

"Mary, have you seen the new sneakers that I bought yesterday?" Ririka ask Mary that enjoying watching a comedy tv show on the couch

"Yeah. I put it on the closet"

"Can you take it for me?" Ririka looked at Mary with puppy dog eyes

"Why? You ain't going outright?" Mary smirked

"I just want to try it on. Please..."

"Okay, but you need to pay me with a kiss..."

Ririka quickly held Mary closed and kissed her cheek "Okay, you get it!"

"Chill princess. I'm on my way" Mary giggled at how cute her girlfriend was and make her way upstairs

As soon as her feet touched the room floors, she goes to the closet and grabs the sneakers. When she was closing the door, she accidentally has close the door a little bit too hard caused something to fall from the closet and hitting her head

"Ouch!" She stroked her head and look for the thing that fell off. It was an old album of her

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