Chapter Four: Spread The News

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"Is that my grandson?!" Mr. Weasley shot up from the couch when the twins and I walked into the cozy Burrow. Arthur hugged his twins, then me and Henry, who he took into his arms and rushed into the kitchen to show Molly.

Henry was giggling the entire time.

"Oh, Rain, dear!" Molly came into the kitchen. "It's so nice to see you!"

"Blimey, mum. Are Fred and I just her escorts?" George asked with a laugh.

"Oh, boys," Molly grinned and hugged them too, Henry on her hip. He hugged his grandmother tightly and nestled his head on her chest. Fred smiled and nodded to his boy, proud of the love he's showing to Molly.

"What were you up to in the kitchen, mum?" George asked.

"Oh, cooking a nice dinner for everyone!" Molly said, handing Henry off to me. "I should get back to doing that! Do help me, George?"

"Of course," George followed his mother into the kitchen to help her continue cooking.

"Here. Go sit with grandpa," I handed Henry to Arthur, who sat Henry on his lap and gave him a newspaper that he had already read. Henry was confused and gave his grandfather a look that made all of us laugh.

"Here, give it here, Henry," Fred took the newspaper from Henry, removed one sheet of it, and crumpled it up into a ball, then handed it back to Henry. "Throw it back! Throw it to me!"

"Oh, Fred-" I laughed when Henry threw the newspaper at Fred's chest. "Great. Now you've taught him how to throw things."

"He's a little boy. They're supposed to cause trouble," Arthur grinned. "It's part of a boy's growing up."

I reached up to tuck my hair behind my ear but forgot I'm supposed to be hiding my ring hand. Fred caught it and took my hand into his subtly. I met his eyes and he squeezed my hand, that's when I understood. Oops.

Thankfully Arthur was too busy marveling at Henry to catch my slip-up.

"You know, it's very nice of you two to plan this. Molly was just telling me how she missed a full house with all of her babies," Arthur smiled. "Having the family and friends back together is something I'm sure all of us will need."

"Yeah, we've been missing everyone too," Fred added nonchalantly, casually sliding the real reason we're here under the rug for right now. For some reason his slick answers were making him that much more attractive.

As I was sitting there, however, I strangely felt out of place for some reason. Like I'm not meant to be here. I shuffled in my seat a little and ended up standing up.

"I'm gonna step outside for a moment."

"Okay," Fred furrowed his eyebrows. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. I just need some air."

He wasn't convinced but I left anyway and sat on one of the porch stairs. A heavy sigh left my lips and I set my chin in my hands.

Why do I feel like such a misfit? It can't be because Molly and Arthur don't want me here. They love me and Henry.

Maybe it's just lingering emotion from when I was at the Manor. That was hard and maybe I'm not fully healed from that. As I got to thinking about Draco I started missing him.

God I wish I'd brought or worn one of his shirts or sweaters. Just a little something of his to have with me. I clutched my dragon necklace in my hand tightly and sighed, trying to soothe the lingering ache in my heart.

"Love?" Fred exited the front door and sat next to me on the porch step. "Is everything okay?"

I leaned my head against his shoulder. "No."

"Talk to me," He urged and kissed my head.

"I feel so out of place without him. I guess... going back and revisiting his things made me realize just how much I miss him..."

"I'm sorry," Fred faintly sighed. "But you and I both know that he's always right here with you. Maybe not physically but he's here in spirit. Remember?"

"I know," I told him. "I just... I may need to run back to the house really quick. I'll come back. I just- need to get something."

"Okay. What's that?"

"One of his sweaters. Shirts. Something," I stood. "I'll be right back. Don't go inside. I don't want them to know I've left. I'll only be a few minutes."

I apparated back to Fred and I's room in the flat and yanked my black shirt off and traded it for one of Draco's black jumpers. Then I tied my hair up in a ponytail and put the dragon necklace back on. I breathed in the scent of Draco deeply through the fabric and my eyes watered slightly in relief.

That weird feeling I had earlier is gone now. So I apparated back to the porch I was at before and sure enough there Fred was waiting for me. He smiled when he saw me wearing what I was.


"Yeah," I took a deep breath. "Much better. Let's go back inside."

"I think that's a good idea."

We went back inside and sat with Arthur and Henry for a little while longer before everyone else showed up. Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Ginny.

The Weasley men were eager to get to the food part of the night so everyone sat down at the table and began eating together. Thankfully the sleeves of Draco's jumper reach over my hands so I was able to cover my ring with the sleeve without it looking too suspicious.

But the meal soon came to an end and that's when Fred and I planned on telling everyone about the engagement. He gripped my leg under the table and gave me that questioning look. I set my fork down and nodded, so he proudly smiled and cleared his throat.

"Alright, so, everyone, missing you all wasn't the entire reason why we got everyone here tonight," Fred started, grabbing everybody's attention. "We have some news we wanted to share with you all."

I bit my lip nervously and let the sleeve of my sweater fall down my arm to reveal my ring.

"We're engaged?" I giggled with a blush. Everyone immediately either cheered or gushed and started asking a million questions about when and how and where. It was a rush for my head but what pulled me out of it was seeing Henry crack up at the sudden uproar of happy commotion.

"Alright, alright! One question at a time! Bloody hell," Fred laughed and everyone quieted down.

"Wherever did you ask her?" Hermione leaned in curiously.

"Oh I bet it was beautiful!" Ginny added.

"It was," I leaned on Fred. "A moonlit picnic under the stars. It was absolutely perfect. It was everything I dreamed and more."

"Aww," Fred side hugged me. "You're too sweet to me."

"Yeah, don't boost his ego too much," Ron teased.

"Shut it, Ronald," Fred snapped back at his younger brother with a laugh.

"Oh, do you have any wedding plans yet?!" Molly gushed, examining the ring on my hand. "It's beautiful!"

"Good on you, my boy," Arthur thumped Fred's back. "You followed through."

"We don't have any plans yet, no. All we know is that we want it as small and simple as possible so we can just be married," Fred explained. The girls instantly watched me for my reaction.

"But weddings are special," Ginny seemed to frown. "I don't understand why you wouldn't want to celebrate it more."

"We just want to be officially married as fast as possible," Fred returned. "Nothing crazy. Super simple."

"Rain? What's your say in this?"

"I agree with Fred," I told them. Molly looked a little let down. "Really. It's okay."

"Well. I'm sure you could find a pastor to join you two and we'd all come and watch," Arthur suggested. Fred pointed at his father and nodded.

"I like the way you're thinking, dad."

Yeah... if only I truly agreed with Fred as much as I said I did.

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