The burrow

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A/N: So I made my one shot Home for The Holidays which was only meant to be one part and just a fling but now people want more. I got a few requests from people to make this a full story. So I've decided to make a full story with the same plot but a bit more slow burn. Enjoy My loves! Also just throwing in some of my trauma just to spice it up a bit. 


"Thank you again for letting me stay for Christmas Mrs. Weasley," I said entering the cozy house I could consider my second home practically. I had been to the burrow many times before but only once before for Christmas. My parents worked for the Department of International Magical Cooperation and went everywhere. We lived in Australia, but because of their work so often in the U.K., I went to Hogwarts. My parents had been traveling practically all year but only once before had they'd left me stranded for the holidays.

"Please dear, I don't know how many times I have to say it call me Molly." Mrs. Weasley responded snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh of course sorry Mrs. Weasley," I said forgetting again to which she laughed and shook her head.

"Did ya hear mum? Kali is the head girl of Ravenclaw this year."

"Oh well, I guess I was wrong when I said Percy'd be the last in this family. Congratulations my dear," she said engulfing me in a hug making me smile slightly.

"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley. Should I take my bags up to my room?"

"Yes dear," she said patting my cheek before I went up the stairs into Charlie's old room. Though sometimes I'd share with Fred and George, Mrs. Weasley thought I needed my space so I normally stayed in Charlie's room considering he was never home. Though I'd seen Charlie several months ago the Weasleys normally didn't go see Charlie and he didn't visit often.

I entered the room and dropped my bags as soon as I'd seen him. He was standing there pulling his shirt over his head his hair still slightly wet and partly up. He was only wearing his trousers as he pulled over his shirt his abs showing and his strong arms flexing. Over the summer I'd developed a small crush on Charlie and I took a mental image in my head before shouting out "Charlie!" and running to him.

"Ah. If it isn't my young apprentice," he said picking me up into a hug.

"How are the opal eyes? Is Davie growing?" I said looking at him expectantly as I'd been released from his grasp.

"The opal eyes are good. Just laid some new eggs and Davie is doing great she hit the big 10 feet. She'll be able to fly in about 5 months with the rest of her brothers and sisters." he said smiling. Talking about dragons had always made him happy. I'd always thought he looked adorable talking about his passion.

"That's great! What about the other eggs they've hatched yet?"

"No, not yet. I heard you were coming though so I have a surprise for you."

"Wha-" I was cut off as my two dorky best friends ran into the room with huge smiles on their faces to see their brother.

"Charlie!" They both shouted out in unison and ran in to hug him toppling him over clearly to his dismay and their amusement.

"Off boys!" he said getting up. "Bad Weasels!" he said making me laugh.

"How are you friends with them, Kali. The respectable Ravenclaw head girl with these two idiot pranksters."

"I don't know but I'm stuck with them. No getting out of this."

"That's right," they said lifting me up off my feet. "Now if you excuse us," George said ignoring my struggling. "We've got to take her to her room."

"George Fabian and Frederick Weasley put me down this instant!" I shouted at them kicking and flailing my arms.

"Not a chance!" Fred said to which I grabbed his wand from his pocket.

"Fine then. Rictusempra." I said which made Fred loosen his grip as I used the jelly legs jinx on George making him drop to the ground."Told you to let me go. But did you listen? No. So this is what you get."

I walked away grabbing my bags and dropping them in the twin's room. I quickly grabbed a pair of jeans and my sweater with a K on it that the twins had given to me when I got back from Romania. It was 3x larger than me though because Mrs. Weasley used Fred's sweater as a guideline. And Fred happened to be an entire foot taller than me.

I finished my shower and changed just in time for Mrs. Weasley to call us down for dinner.  I had sat down at the table George at my right and Charlie at my left. I hadn't really paid much attention to it but all throughout the meal Charlie touched me in little ways. Our thighs accidentally bumping together, when our hands would touch if we reached for the same thing when he was 'getting something out of my hair' and his fingertips grazed across my cheek.

Ok, I lied I noticed every little thing. Paid attention to it as if I were to have a test on it the next day. When his hand touched my cheek, I felt as if my skin was on fire. I continued eating as if those things never happened not even noticing the conversation in the background until my name was called. 

"So Kali," Percy said facing towards me snapping me out of my daydreams "I heard your parents are traveling again for the Department."

"Yup," I said brushing him off turning back to my food. I'd never been close with my family, they never wrote to me. Of course, they were proud of me they just didn't make an effort. I was their only child they probably cared about their jobs more than me. At this point, Mrs. Weasley was more of a mother to me than my own. "Seems they find any excuse to not spend time with their daughter." I joked, to which no one laughed but me. 

"Oh, dearie," Mrs. Weasley said. "You're always welcome here." 

"Sorry, Kali didn't mean to bring up a sensitive subject," Percy said softly.

"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley and I don't mind Percy, you were just curious I have no idea what they do just something that causes them to travel often. Sorry for the dark humor." 

"No need to apologize. Go on eat up love." She said gesturing to my plate. 

"If it's okay with you, I think I'll just clean up my plate kind of lost my appetite." 

"Of course, perfectly fine." 

I entered the kitchen putting down my plate and resting my elbows down on the table calming myself down when someone entered. I turned around quickly to see Charlie.

Home for the Holidays- Charlie WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now