chapter two not again

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Kayla's P.O.V
I think I like these people. They are so nice to me. Carol always washed my clothes, I tell her that I don't want her to but she says 'it's one thing I can do that's normal in this world'. And she's right, I hate her husband. He's been trying to make a move on me. Today we are going to the city trying to find Merle.

"Kayla! Come her." Glenn called out.

He's really nice and funny. I think he's took a liking towards me. But I already like somebody in the camp, or so I think.

I started walking towards Glenn. He held out my pistol.

"Thanks. I've been looking for this." I said and hugged him. When I pulled back I could see he was silightly blushing.

"Awww. How cute, I got Glenn blushing." I said.

He shook his head and laughed. He's actually really adorable.

"Come on Kayla! We're leaving." My brother Rick yelled.

I walked over to the van and set beside Daryl. I just now realized how tired I am. So I started to doze off, and I felt someone put my head in their lap.

I felt someone shake my shoulder.

"Kayla. We're here." I heard a familiar raspy voice, Daryl.

My eyes fluttered open and I rubbed them.

------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry for the short chapter, I have a major case of writers block, and that sucks ass. And if you would like, give me some ideas for a new book! Thank you and bye my dolphins!

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