1- Where it all started

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"Andrea! Have you seen my red top?" Bon said

No why?" I said back. "Because I'm going on a date tonight!" Bon said. "Oh really? With who? Have I heard of him before?" I said with concern.

"Well.. I met him on Instagram and he's super nice, plus in his profile picture he's super hot. We might hit it off." He said

"Good luck that." I said. "Oh I will! And can you please help me find where that red top is, I wanna look good tonight."
"Bon I can't I have to go pick up Mom, Anthony and Aaron at the Mall, they were shopping for Anthony's graduation cloths." I said.

"Okay fine I'll be back around 10:00 pm okay?" he said. "Bye!"

As he slammed the door. It was already 8:15 so I got out of the house, it was so dark out, but I went into my black car and drove off to the mall. When I got there, I called Aaron to see where they were, he said meet us at Kohl's.

While I was walking down Victoria Secret, I need a new bra I say to myself, Bath and Body Works, and Hot Topic.
Aaron texted me back saying <give us 25 more minutes>. As I shrugged at my phone since I had extra time to go look and buy some stuff.

As I was walking into Starbucks, it smelled so good, while I was in line, the guy in front of me turned around and said "Would you like to go in front of me?"

He looked so handsome he had curly brown hair under a blue beanie, he had electric green eyes, when he smiled at me he had two little dimples, wearing a white tank top with a red flannel over it, and wearing black skinny jeans, with brown boots.

He looked perfect.

"Um excuse me ma'm." He snapped his fingers, while I jerked back, didn't realizing I was zoned out by him, "Would you like to go in front of me?"

"No thank you." While I looked down at the ground. I looked over he's next, he turned away from me and ordered something, while my heart is racing over him.

When he got his coffee, I looked over where he was going he set his coffee down at a table and it looked like he was waking to the restroom.

"Hello, what would you like today?" The worker said. "Hi could I have a grande White Chocolate Mocha please."

"Sure, what your name?" "Andrea." "Okay that would be 4.50$ please." she said.

After I payed and got my drink, I still got 20 minutes to kill so instead of walking around I sat down at one of the tables, I got my phone out and scrolled through Instagram, as I saw that boy walk out of the restroom, he looked straight at me and I looked back down at my phone. When I was about to sip my coffee I look straight up at boy who was right in front of me.

"Could I sit here with you?" he said with a raspy voice .
"Um uh sure." I said nervously.
He smiled while he sat across from me. I just looked down at my phone without doing anything. "You know, it's kinda rude when you go on you're phone." He said. In complete shock, while I turn off my phone, I say "Sorry."

"It's fine, I just wanted to start conversation with you. He said and smiled to me. I said back to him. "Could I ask you something?" I said.

"Sure, anything." he said

"W-what's your name?"

"I'm Harry Styles."

"And what's yours?" he said back at me. "I'm Andrea Mendoza." I smiled back at him. "I like your name." he said.

"Thanks, so harry tell me about your self." I said to him.

Well I work at a bakery, I have a sister name Gemma and my mom Anne, plus my mom she going to get married to my 'soon to be stepfather'. And yea that's all about me you need to know. What about you Andrea?"

"Well theirs not that much about me, I have my mom Beth and my brother Anthony, my sister Rose, and my two cousins, ones name is Bon he's gay.. he's doesn't mind if I tell people and Aaron. But I'm also still looking for a job so.." I said.

Right about when I was gonna say something back, Aaron called saying they were done shopping. "Uh harry I have to go now,
it's was nice talking to you."

As when I was about get out of my seat "Wait." he said.
"C-could I get your number. I know this might seem cheesy but.. I want to get know you better." he said. Omg he's so cute

"Sure." I said back. "Here's my phone." He gave me, He seemed a little nervous, ha awe. As I typed in my number in his phone, I hand it back to him and he said thanks,
"Bye harry!"

"Bye Andrea."

Tomorrow, I'll Still Love YouWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt