two: just a hookup

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"What do we have on this guy?" Voight asked as he exited his office before folding his arm and looking over at the board that was hardly filled with anything.

"So far, not much," Kim admitted as she pointed toward a picture of a guy. "the guy who was shot, his name is Nick Martinez. He's got no priors at all. He works in his shop, married with three kids."

"He told Hailey and I that there was two offenders," Trin explained. "I only seen the one guy, he was wearing a ski mask but I also heard the other guy calling for him. The two of them got into a beat up blue mini van."

"Atwater, Burgess. I want you two going through all of the security footage from near the store," Hank ordered. "Antonio and Trin, you guys go to Med and check up on Martinez. When he's out of surgery, talk to him."

Kim and Kevin nodded before they left the group to return to their desks to search the footage. Antonio and Trin were getting ready to head out when Trudy came up the stairs. Her expression was a mixture of annoyance and slightly some amusement.

"Fitz, you have a visitor," Trudy said as she placed her hands on her hips. "some guy named Ricky Kilmer."

Trin's eyes went wide as she nearly choked on her own spit. She heard the chuckles of Hailey and Jay coming from behind her which she responded with a middle finger concealed behind her back.

She could tell that Voight was most definitely staring daggers into the back of her head. I mean, he was basically her father. He knew about the life she lived outside of work and was annoyed that this life was slowly invading her work.

"I'll talk to him on the way out," She said with a nod as she passed by Trudy. "thanks, Sarge."

She quickly walked down the stairs, her fists balled up at her sides. She saw the hopeless tall, blonde man standing awkwardly in the middle of the district. She approached Ricky, grabbing him by his shirt and pulling him over to the side.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She asked through gritted teeth. "I'm working you dumbass! I can't just have toy showing up here like this!"

"I came to talk, Trinity!" He said as he stabbed a finger into her chest. "you left me hanging! Texted me and told me it was over then you don't answer any of my calls. What the hell!"

"You are not my boyfriend, alright!" She said as she shoved him away from her, not liking how close he had gotten. "we hooked up twice, we weren't in love or anything! We're not together and I'm leaving because I have a job to do."

She tried to walk away but she felt his hand wrap around her arm, forcing her small body to jerk backwards. She roughly hit the man's chest.

"Get off me," She said as she attempted to free herself from his tight grip but that only made him hold on tighter.

"Hey! Let her go!" She heard Antonio shout before she was pushed to the side and Ricky was pushed up against a wall. Antonio had his hands gripped hard onto his shirt as he slammed him against the wall multiple times. "if I ever see you touch her again, I swear to god!"

"Hey, it's okay," Trin said as she laid a hand on Antonio's shoulder. Trudy was on the other side of him, trying to get him to let go before he caused a way bigger scene. Antonio slammed him against the wall again before letting him go.

"You already got a boyfriend, huh?" Ricky said with an amused look as he began to walk by, bumping his shoulder with Antonio's.

"Oh, screw you," Trin said to him which caused him to turn back around with an angry expression. She began to head for the door, hitting her shoulder with his before she leaned close to him. "men who can't treat a woman with respect got tiny dicks."

He looked at her with wide eyes, his cheeks flushing slightly. She scoffed at him and shook her head before stepping out of the district and into the warm summer sun. She headed for Antonio's car and once she arrived, the car was already unlocked.

She slid into the passenger seat, her arms folded over her chest. She heard the driver's side door open and watched as Antonio got in and started the car from the corner of her eye.

"Thanks for having my back in there," Trin whispered as Antonio pulled out of the parking lot.

"I always got your back," Antonio said. "who was that guy anyway?"

"Just a hookup," Trin responded as she stared out the window.

"You sure that guy was just a hookup?" Antonio asked. "dude was acting like that over a hookup?"

She laughed softly, "I tend to attract crazy men."


"Hey, Nick. My names Trinity and this is my partner Antonio," Trin said as she entered slowly into the hospital room where Nick Martinez was laying in a hospital bed just moments after his successful surgery. "do you mind if we ask you some questions?"

"No, not at all," He said as he attempted to sit up but Antonio extended his arm, letting him no he didn't have to put himself in any pain.

"Did you get a look at these guys?" Antonio asked as he pulled out the tiny notebook he always carried with him.

"No, neither of them took of their masks," He said as he shook his head. "I did see the one guy's neck though, he was white."

"Okay, good," Trin said as Antonio wrote it down. "has anyone made any threats lately to you personally or maybe even a family member?"

"No, no," He said with furrowed brows. "I've owned that store for twenty years! And not once have I ever had any trouble with anyone."

"Can you remember who was in the store and what you were dong when you heard the first shot?"

"There was a woman with her son and a teenager in there with me when the first shot was heard," He explained. "once they shot through the windows, they came directly to me. The customers were able to get out while they demanded my money but the one guy got tired of waiting and shot me."

Trin nodded slowly, "was this the guy who we saw running out the back?"

He shook his head, "no, the one who shot me took the money out of the register and left. The other one stuck around, stealing random things."

"Like what?" Antonio asked.

"I saw him pick up a bunch of random food and then a postcard? I don't really know," He said as he shook his head. Trin turned her head and saw a woman and three children waiting at the door.

"That's alright. Thank you for your help," Trin said as she gave him a nod and stepped away, allowing his family enter the room. She watched as they let out cries of happiness and hugged each other tightly. She smiled at the sight before turning and leaving with Antonio by her side.

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