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On December 21, 2012, the world didn’t end like everyone expected it to. It didn’t all of a sudden combust or have aliens invade. No epidemic spread throughout the earth only killing the people that were not immune.

The world ended because people killed people. Governments became corrupted by a group of terrorists called the Extremists, who bombed places all around the world killing millions of people.

Cities became warzones and hospitals became graves. The extremists continue to kill anyone who doesn’t have the same values as they do. The only thing they believe in is feeling nothing. Once captured by the Extremists you are brain washed into not having any human emotions. Making the perfect humans in their minds. We call these humans the Blank-slates, since they do not remember any of their past lives.

I am a member of the 1221, which is a group of humans from all over the world who are working together, forming the resistance to fight against the Blank-slates. We are humanities last hope. If you are reading this it means I am either dead or living somewhere remote. Either way I know humanity will survive because I will not rest until it does.

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