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pairings: ban x reader

Summary: Ban is getting bored of how quiet the Boar Hat is and is looking for someone he can have fun with by singing with him, he notices that Y/n was drunk and plans on convincing her into singing with him, but soon that idea goes completely out of the window.

Warnings: Mentions of nudity, Alcohol and Adult language, as well as Ban being cuddly-

genre: fluff

word count: 1308

a/n: B/f/n = (Ex) Boyfriend's name.


Ban smiled as he looked around the tavern, as per usual all was quiet and he frowned in distaste. Sure, a few people would occasionally chat but to him, that just wasn't enough. He missed the days when the Boar Hat was lively and he'd be able to chat, to sing with a variety of different people See, Ban had always loved to sing, even if he wasn't the best at it! So he looked around before his eyes landed on Y/n as he grinned; see he knew that she was never the best and handling her liquor and that's exactly what made his brilliant plan form. He had heard Y/n sing in the shower before and it was actually rather good, amazing even! However, whenever he asked her to sing with him she would always find a good reason why she just couldn't sing with him that night. 

"Sorry Ban, I'm busy!" , "Maybe later, okay?" and "I have a sore throat, sorry," were the most common of her excuses and it was beginning to drive Ban a bit over the edge. So with a smirk on his face, he began to make his way towards the h/c haired woman with a playful look in his eyes. As he sat across from her he grinned, her flushed expression was enough to tell him that she was already tipsy if not drunk. "Hey Y/n," he commented smoothly, he watched with amusement in his eyes as he saw the normally calm h/c-nette look around in confusion as she tried to figure out who said her name. After a good ten or so seconds she finally looked at Ban before giggling rather loudly. Ba-Ban-! Hey!" Y/n hiccupped before she laughed quietly. "I didn't see you there, Banny!" She exclaimed before hugging him tightly as she smiled at him almost in a teasing smile. "How ha-" Ban started before Y/n eagerly cut him off. "Drink with me, Banny!" She exclaimed loudly, Ban couldn't help but smile at the role-reversal that was happening. Normally, he was the one who was trying to get her to drink with him. Not the other way around. Ban chuckled lowly before he smirked. "Alright, but only because you asked so nicely," he whispered to her in a teasing tone as he motioned Hawk over. He still found himself laughing at the sight of Hawk with a barrel of ale on his back as well as a little compartment for the wooden mugs.

"Hawk, Captain of Scraps Disposal is here!" The pig exclaimed loudly which caused Y/n to laugh loudly as she leaned down and pet the pig's head gently before using the barrel to refill her wooden mug. Afterwards, she clumsily reached for another mug before filling it with ale as well. "Stay here most of the night, Hawk!" Y/n slurred out before she grinned. Hawk squealed and oinked in surprise before turning his attention to Ban. "Did you do this to her, Ban!?" Hawk questioned sharply as he narrowed his eyes at Ban, whose eye's widened as he frantically shook his head. "N-No! Not at all!" Ban yelled slightly. "It wasn't me Master, I swear!" Hawk said nothing before he sighed and trotted off, meanwhile, Y/n smiled as she began to drink from her wooden mug pretty quickly. Ban narrowed his eyes before he tilted his head at her as he watched her closely. "Are you okay, Y/n?" Ban asked her quietly, concern growing in his crimson eyes as he watched her with a worried look in his eyes. He then furrowed his brows and sighed heavily as he noticed Y/n tense up in her seat.

"I'm fi-"

"Don't lie to me, Y/n," Ban cut her off firmly as he leaned across the table before tilting her head up so she'd be forced to look him in the eyes. As soon as they locked eyes, Ban noticed that her e/c eyes were red and rather puffy. With a frown on his face, he rose a brow and sighed rather heavily. "What's wrong, Y/n?" He asked her softly before he planted a tender kiss onto her forehead, a small sniffle escaped her and the next thing he knew she was in his arms and quietly sobbing. "B/f/n, h-he-" Y/n stammered before she clung to Ban's jacket tightly and began to sob more as she rested her head on his chest. 

Ban's brows furrowed before he smiled apologetically and picked her up. He then carried her out of the bar and took her upstairs and into his bedroom. Once inside he planted himself down on the bed and laid down, allowing Y/n to curl up on his chest and sob quietly. He wasn't the best at emotions so he figured allowing her to just cry it out would be the best thing to do for the time to do for now. "Talk to me, Y/n. Let it all out. Okay?" He murmured softly. "B/f/n... He..." She stammered before hiccuping between sobs. "H-He cheated on me with Vivian! Vivian of all people!" She exclaimed in annoyance before bringing her fist down on Ban's chest. The punch didn't really affect Ban all that much so he just smiled at her and sighed. "B/f/n was a dick anyways," he whispered before he ran a hand through her hair and sighed. "Just stay here tonight, okay?" He spoke gently before he put her down on the bed and pulled the blanket over her. Y/n smiled at the warmth before she frowned at Ban as he stood up. Before he could walk away from her, she reached out and grabbed his wrist before she pulled him down onto the bed and smiled tiredly. "Stay with me tonight... I don't want to be alone," she begged him as tears pricked up in the corners of her eyes.

"A-Alright, there's no need to cry about it! Jeez," Ban murmured as he laid beside her and hugged her closer to himself. He rested his chin on top of her head before he smiled, he soon noticed that she began to relax and soon enough her soft breaths were the only sound that filled the room. "Sleep well, sweetheart," Ban whispered softly before he kissed her forehead and sighed gently. "I'll teach that stupid ex-boyfriend of yours a lesson later on," he whispered before shutting his eyes as he hugged her closer to himself. Soon enough he had fallen asleep with her in his arms.

time skip :)

The next morning, Y/n woke up with a small yawn. Her head was pounding as she looked around with confusion in her e/c eyes. She tried to sit up but couldn't as she realized someone's arms were holding her in place. Her face became beet red out of embarrassment. Did I have a fling!? She thought worriedly before looking behind her and noticed Ban fully naked. Startled, Y/n let out a small scream and Ban shot up and looked around. After realizing there was no real danger he looked at Y/n and groaned tiredly. "What is it, Y/n?" Ban asked her quietly, his tone almost annoyed. "Y-You're naked!" Y/n exclaimed as she blushed deeply in embarrassment, Ban smirked and leaned forwards. "You don't have to scream just because your dream came true," he murmured before he grinned at her. Y/n rolled her eyes at him.

"You wish!"

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