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(A/N: So I wanted to keep this chapter short because it's just the intro but I do hope you liked it.)
Morning rose upon the suburbs of london. The early sun seeped through the curtains of the white washed room causing Roger to stir from his deep sleep. He opened his eyes slowly, squinting at the bright light beaming in his direction. The perfectly chizled man let out a great sigh before streaching which was followed by an almighty yawn.

Roger placed his two feet on the ground and stood up letting the sheets roll off of him revealing his stark naked body. He rubbed his eyes before slowly plodding to the bathroom to do a wee. Once in the bathroom Roger sat himself down on the toilet (he'd never really been keen on stand up pissing) and looked around the fairly large room. All was fine until Roger noticed something out of the corner of his eye. He turned his head towards the bath only to see Keith sitting on the edge of the tub watching him. Roger screamed, a piece of shit dropping out of him as he did so. Keith, who's body was covered in what looked like marmalade smiled politely back at Roger, who was half way through his morning shit. Before he could ask any questions a hand from inside the bath tub grabbed Keith wrist causing him to fall in. A loud laugh came from the drummer and a moan from who Roger had now identified as John.
At this point Roger had given up on trying to squeeze more poo out of himself and decided to leave his bathroom before he witnessed anything that might later cause him to projectile vomit. Watching John and Keith hump was not something he was mentally prepared to see at this hour of the day. He flushed the toilet, washed his hands and went back across the hall to his room. Roger caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and froze in horror. Frizz. He began to panic, what was he to do. Keith had witnessed the monstrosity that was his hair and who's to say he wouldn't spread the word. But wait... Dippity-Do, that always did the trick. Roger walked over to his bed and placed his hand under the pillow, pulling out his pot of Dippity-Do. Their was just enough for one application. He let out a sigh of relief before dipping his hand into the pot and scooping up the remains of the miracle substance, Dippity-Do. He made his way to the mirror being careful not to drop the gel. He was getting ready to lather it up when a huge scream of pleasure came from down the hall making Roger jump. Before he could express any disgust, the Dippity-Do fell flat on the floor. Roger stood in silence, his only hope of getting rid of the frizz was now all over his carpet.
Roger collapsed, screaming "Why has God forsaken me?" Memories of his teenage year began flooded back.
/Roger begins to sing: tune of Real Good Looking Boy/
"When I think back to the first time in my childhood, when I saw that hair I thought right then, that's a real frizzy haired boy"
As he remembered the many years of frizzy hair a single tear made its way down his cheek. The frizz had haunted him throughout his youth and now it had returned.

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